Saturday, August 18, 2012

Why are grapes harmful to dogs?

By Jerry Welsh

Dog owners should not allow the pet to eat grapes because of the fruit's potential harmful effects. No one really knows why dogs should not be allowed to eat these red, green and black sweet fruits. The studies conducted verified that the toxicity of grapes to canines is not due to fertilizers and pesticides used. One thing is for sure though - grapes can cause renal failure in canines. This is a very serious condition as the pet would not only suffer from severe pain but the pet may also expire if no immediate treatment is administered.

People love to eat grapes and raisins - and why not, grapes are delicious and contains loads of nutrients and vitamins. Grapes are good source of antioxidants. Oxidant or free radicals are the good cells that turned into rebellious cells because of the unhealthy lifestyle of people . Alcohol, pollution, unhealthy foods, too much sun are the allies of oxidants. These oxidants are the reasons why people suffer from various health conditions like cancer, heart diseases, arthritis and many other health concerns.

Grapes are good sources of antioxidants that prevent the oxidants from causing more harm to the healthy cells of the body. People may not be aware of the antioxidants in grapes but these fruits will still be consumed for its sweet lusciousness. Because of the low calorie content, people conscious about their figures would chose to snack on grapes as the fruit will not add inches to the waistline.

Not so long ago, grapes are not considered as harmful to dogs. Before pet owner were warned about the harmful effects of grapes to canines, this fruit as well as raisins were used as treats when training dogs. Grapes toxic effects are rather perplexing given the fact that not all dogs are affected. Dogs that eat bunches of grapes will go scot free while some dogs that ingest a few will start to vomit and show other signs of toxicity. The toxicity of chocolates is dose dependent, this is not so with grapes.

A dog that was affected by the toxic contents of grapes would start to show a change in behavior. The dog will be hyperactive and then it will be depressed and become lethargic. Vomiting and diarrhea are other signs. The dog must be rushed to a veterinary facility for aggressive treatment. Because the kidneys can no longer perform its function of filtering toxins, the dog will suffer from renal failure that can result to the death of the dog

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