Friday, November 16, 2012

Coping With The Symptoms Of Arthritis Using Glucosamine For Dogs And Cats

Arthritis is a condition that affects both humans
and animals and the term is used to describe
inflammation of a joint, where smooth cartilage
lining the bones of the joint has become
damaged, scarred and thinned, which can lead to
increased friction, causing inflammation.
Although there are medicinal treatments to help
relieve pain caused by arthritis, glucosamine
for dogs and cats is an excellent partner.

Despite the fact that arthritis cannot be cured
there is good evidence that synthesized
glucosamine, a natural component of cartilage,
can help towards the animal's general health and
wellbeing. Although glucosamine is readily
available for people, it is best to use products
specifically tailored for cats and dogs to ensure
the correct dosage is used. Glucosamine
supplements for pets can be sourced by your vet
or at specialist stores and online retailers,
just ensure you follow the dosage guidelines
suitable for your particular animal.

Although generally developed in the hips and
elbows of older pets, arthritis can occasionally
develop in younger ones where there has been an
injury to a joint. Overweight animals are likely
to be more at risk but another risk factor is
over-walking younger pets. Several short walks
while a puppy is still growing are preferable to
one long walk. The bigger breeds of dog are also
more vulnerable to arthritis than smaller

Because arthritis is a condition that develops
gradually it can be difficult to diagnose
especially in cats. This is because of the
differences in the way both animals move but
also because of differences in the way they
express themselves.

Cats on the whole are good at disguising pain
and so the signs to look out for include
becoming less active and sleeping more than
normal. Some may demonstrate signs of having
difficulty in resting or sleeping comfortably
and becoming unable to get into their litter
tray. They might stop grooming themselves and
eat less. Other signs are becoming irritable,
anxious or restless and avoiding being handled.

Dogs are likely to show more obvious symptoms of
discomfort, such as stiffness, lameness,
difficulty getting up and difficulty with
climbing up stairs, into cars or onto furniture,
particularly when the weather is cold or damp.
They are most likely to be affected in hips,
elbow, shoulders, knee and ankle joints. Dogs'
reactions to pain will also be more obvious
including irritability, withdrawal or
aggression, such as growling if the affected
area is touched.

There are some congenital abnormalities that can
also lead to the development of arthritis and
these include a condition called hip dysplasia
(canine hip dysplasia in dogs and feline in
cats). It is a deformity of the hip joint which
can lead to the ball and socket becoming

According to the British Veterinary Association
symptoms of the condition in dogs include "joint
looseness, inflammation, pain, new bone formation
and bone erosion, and may cause a range of
observable signs from normal to minor changes in
gait (in the mildly affected cases) to obvious
lameness, stiffness after rest and exercise
intolerance and pain". Breeds at highest risk
include Labrador Retriever, German Shepherd Dog,
Golden Retriever, Rottweiler, Bernese Mountain
Dog and Newfoundland.

Dysplasia is relatively rare in cats and
generally affects the more heavily boned breeds,
such as the Persian. It is more likely to happen
in female than in male cats and indications of
its presence are similar to those observed in
dogs. The only sure way of identifying the
condition is by examination and X-ray carried
out by a vet. Treatment includes heat, massage
and pain relief under the vet's supervision.

Glucosamine supplements are used for support
with joint problems and asociated conditions,
including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,
disc degeneration and hip dysplasia. It has also
been effectively used for sciatic nerve and
inflamed disc disease.

In order to extract optimum benefits when using
glucosamine for cats and dogs you need to think
about several factors. The dose is derived from
your pet's weight and condition, whilst the form
of glucosamine you use is also an important
choice. There are three types of glucosamine
available with studies suggesting that
glucosamine sulphate is the most effective. More
advanced and targeted glucosamine supplements may
also contain other natural ingredients for extra

Although in some case benefits can be derived
earlier, it is normal for glucosamine
supplementation to take one to two months before
significant effects are evident. Both cats and
dogs generally benefit to differing degrees,
depending on the severity of the condition. You
should expect long term joint health in your pet
while using glucosamine, as it works to try and
keep joints healthier for longer. Research has
shown if glucosamine is started during the early
stages of joint problems the benefits are

Oscar Strain is a complementary health
professional and author specialising in
nutrition and health maintenance for humans and
pets. Oz is part of the expert panel at Troo
Health Care, leading providers of UK
manufactured specialist pet health supplements,
including Joint and Muscle Support.

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