Friday, November 9, 2012

Skin Problems on Dogs: Sores, Rashes, Inflammation, Itching, Etc.

Most frequently, such skin symptoms on Dogs,
including sores, rashes, inflammation, dry skin,
scaly skin, excessive sratching, etc., will be
the result of an internal digestive disorder
known as Systemic Yeast Infection; wherein,
excreted toxins and dying yeast cells will cause
a surface-level 'Immune System Response'. This
response is mostly about the inflammation that
results in the chronic itching, and is a main
factor leading most vets to assume "allergies"
are at fault. If seeing such symptoms with your
pet, along with others, we urge you to assess
your situation using. More information is
provided below for further enlightenment. But,
if the assessment has opened your eyes to the
probability that Yeast Candida is causing all
the misery, you can get more detailed
information on the internet by searching for
"Yeast Program Information."

Yes, those itchy symptoms involving the skin of
your Dog, including dry or flaky skin (or even
oily skin) are most likely tied to a root-cause
that may not be correctly diagnosed by your Vet.
The TOXINS and dying cells of an internal Yeast
Candida problem can raise havoc with the immune
system at the surface of the body (skin, ears,
feet, etc.). The most typical veterinary
response, for an assumed "allergies" diagnosis,
is to address the surface symptoms topically
with sprays, ointments, or shampoos, while also
taking a systemic approach using Antibiotics or
Steroids. This systemic treatment will likely
create worsening of the problem over time (you
may have already seen this). Such treatments may
produce some 'temporary' relief from symptoms,
but the issues always return - and usually
worsen over months and years. And, since the
underlying root ailment (the yeast in the gut)
is being worsened by these methods, the symptoms
will return with a vengence.

However, even if your pets sores, rashes, and
such problems that are 'isolated' (not tied to a
yeast issue), the very same all-natural products
shown for yeast problem resolution will surely
just as instrumental in helping your pet to
better health. If your situation leaves you
wondering or confused, which is not uncommon, it
is recommended that you search for all natural
solutions, including pet supplements such as
Antioxidant Treats, BacPak Plus, Ox-E Drops, or
Sprouted Granules.

In our modern society, with the over-abundance
to poor quality pet foods, and common overuse of
Antibiotics and Vacination protocols, there is
one type of ailment that stands out as most
common (other than arthritic type issues). That
ailment is Yeast Candida overgrowth of the GUT,
also known as Systemic Yeast Infection or

article submitted by Tim Delaney, a multiple dog
owner and natural pet supplement advocate.
References include Nzymes at, and Nzymes EU at

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