Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Call A Mobile Pet Groomer For Your Dog

By Joe E. Cooksey

Every four to twelve weeks our beloved canine companions need a bath and brush out. Their nails need clipped. Some need a haircut. Many cats also need the services of a professional groomer. If you're tired of the trek to the grooming shop, or perhaps your anxious pet doesn't handle the experience with aplomb, consider calling on a mobile pet groomer who will bring the shop to you.

Mobile services bring all the necessary supplies; shampoo and conditioners, warm water, towels, grooming tools. Most are kept a comfortable temperature with air conditioning and heat. Some are entirely self contained, using a generator for power. Others use an extension cord to plug into an outlet at the customer's home.

Some vans are roomy enough to allow owners to stay with a special needs pet. Once you and your pet are comfortable with the beautician, you can relax at home, head off to work, or run errands. You can even make appointments for the time you're at work. While you go about your busy day, the groomer will be busy beautifying your pet.

If your dog is stressed by the noise and confusion of a shop, doesn't like cages or car rides, or suffers separation anxiety, a mobile service is an excellent alternative. There's no exposure to fleas and ticks from contact with other animals. Puppies won't be exposed to contagious illnesses.

Many mobile services also groom cats. This is a really nice service for cats - no cages and no barking dogs. And nice for the owner who doesn't have to crate a stressed, and/or angry cat for a car ride.

This is an upscale salon experience. One professional cares for your pets beauty needs from start to finish. There's no waiting in cages, and no cage drying. Most pets enjoy the drying experience as they're fluffed and brushed, the center of attention.

Mobile pet groomers provide a full range of services. Pets are brushed and bathed. Hair is cut, nails are clipped, ears are cleaned. Most offer flea and tick baths, medicated baths, even de-skunking baths. It's convenient because the pet owner doesn't make two trips, several hours apart, to drop off and pick up their pets. Prices are usually higher than shop prices, but if convenience or the special needs of your companion animal are a high priority, a mobile pet groomer might be the best service for you.

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