Sunday, January 27, 2013

Dog Hives: Tips on Symptoms and Treatments

What do you do when your dog gets a case of the
hives? First of all, what are dog hives? What do
they look like and what are some possible
treatments for hives? Dog hives are an allergic
reaction to an outside irritant. Hives will
usually appear rather abruptly, and are
contracted either through the skin or through
airborne exposure. Hives will usually disappear
within hours once the source of the irritant is
determined or a medicinal solution is applied to
the affected area.

Dog hives generally originate from an encounter
your pet has had with an irritant such as a bug
bite, fleas, outdoor chemicals--and in some
cases--hives are an allergic reaction to new
foods, pet toys, or shampoos. The first symptoms
of hives look like little round red dots that may
even cause the skin to raise or swell to some

Dog hives will normally go away within a 24 hour
period unless the dog is still in close contact
with the original source of irritation. Hives
are not necessarily painful to your pet but they
can be quit itchy and cause your pet some

Since dog hives are usually caused by an
allergen, the first step in treatment is to try
to find the possible root cause of the hives.
One solution is to retrace your dog`s steps or
actions over the past few days or hours to see
if you can locate the possible source. Try to
remember if your dog ate anything unusual or
new. Have you changed his or her diet, are there
signs of a bug bite, or have you sprayed the lawn
with any chemicals. These are a few possible
triggers that can cause a breakout of hives on
your pet.

A quick remedy for relief of the symptoms is a
cool bath. Keep in mind that hot water may
further aggravate the situation and that your
pet shampoo may have been the original source of
the hives (unless it is a shampoo you have used
before). Remember to always consult your
veterinarian for further advice.

Products like Sprouted Granules and Antioxidant
Treats are designed to help support a healthy
immune system in your pets. Also, they can help
supplement your pet`s resistance to allergies.

Once you have determined the cause of your dog`s
hive outbreak, and you have given them an initial
treatment (a cool bath, trip to the vet, etc.)
then you should consider using Antioxidant
Treats as a future safeguard against allergic
reactions and dog hives. Antioxidant Treats are
a powerful daily supplement that can help in
your dog`s ability to fight off allergic
reactions. In addition to the Antioxidant
Treats, the Sprouted Granules also provide great

The all natural Antioxidant Treats are
formulated with a potent daily dose of vitamins
A, C, E, and Selenium. Antioxidant Treats help
support healthy joint function, muscle function,
healthy nervous systems, a healthier skin and
coat, circulatory function, organ function, and
respiratory health to name a few of the
benefits; Antioxidant Treats will support the
overall well-being of your pet when used as a
daily regimen in their diet.

Article submitted by Tim Delaney, a pet advocate.
References include Nzymes at and Nzymes Pet Products,
found at

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