Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dog Sneezing

Are you concerned about your dogs' constant
sneezing? If your dog is sneezing, it's not
always a reason for concern. Dog sneezing is
often a natural reaction to particles, pollen,
or some other irritant in the dog`s nasal
membranes. Sneezing is not always due to
allergies or sickness; however, if your dog is
suffering from an illness like kennel cough
(Bordetella) or some other bronchial infection,
then you should consider putting your pet on all
natural pet health supplements, which can help
support healthy respiratory function in your
dog. One product that has proven to be an
excellent solution to dog sneezing, is called

There are two types of dog sneezing activities.
There is the normal involuntary reaction to
foreign bodies in the dog`s membrane that cause
the dog--just like humans--to sneeze as a
natural reaction to remove the irritant; there
is also a natural voluntary habit called
"Reverse Sneezing." This is a normal activity
that dogs will use voluntarily to remove a
discomfort from their nasal passage or throat.
This is akin to the habit of gagging. Pet owners
often see their dog "gag" as if they are about to
vomit--this is not always the case--gagging is a
normal function (in most cases it`s a voluntary
activity) to remove discomfort or irritants from
the throat.

Normal dog sneezing is identified by the dog`s
head forcibly moving in a downward direction
during the sneeze. In contrast, "Reverse
Sneezing" looks like a sucking in of the lips
accompanied with a shaking of the head motion
(these are not the only symptoms or reverse
sneezing--but the most common symptoms). If your
dog`s sneezing symptoms appear more serious, or,
are accompanied by other symptoms or signs of
illness, owners should take their pets to the
veterinarian for further diagnosis.

If your dog continues to show discomfort and
sneezing, using a vaporizer or nebulizer may
help to relieve these symptoms. Vaporizers used
along with Ox-E-Drops mixed in water help
support relief of bronchial irritants.
Ox-E-Drops also help to support healthy immune
systems in your pet. Adding Ox-E-Drops to your
pet`s vaporizer can be a beneficial support to
your pets respiratory function, over-all health,
and immunity. For best results make sure your pet
is enclosed in a small area like a bathroom. Do
not allow your pet`s nose to get too close to
the steam that is released from the vaporizer.

Ox-E-Drops used as a daily regimen can help
support healthy immunity in pets. Simply add a
few drops each day to your pet`s meal.

Article submitted by Tim Delaney, a pet owner.
References include Nzymes, found at and Nzymes Pet Products,
found at

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