Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Make Your Pet Learn The Basics Of Dog Training

Cleaning up after your dog is a disgusting task.
Since they are not trained, it will be your job
to look after their mess. If you had enough of
it, you can always opt for dog training. There
are books that could help you but a professional
trainer could do a better job. They have more
knowledge about canines and their different
breeds so it is beneficial for you because you
can be assured that your beloved pet is in good

In the beginning of their lessons, they are
first taught to follow command to sit. This is
the easy part but you have to consider the
breed. Some of them have a hard time in focusing
and they can get easily distracted. Try to offer
them treats to encourage them to do obey you. A
firm voice will also help to make them see you
as a no-nonsense person. Patience is also needed
because this does not take overnight. Continuous
training should be practiced. Always give your
pup a reward or praise them when they do well.
Make their class always fun because they can get
bored also and they will lose interest with you
and the class.

Since their breeds are different, the form of
training will have to be base on it. There are
instances that the mixed breeds are smarter than
the full breeds and those pedigreed. There are
classes that are offered by pet stores and other
local societies for both the owner and their
dogs. They will learn simple commands and to
trust each other. This is essential because the
owner will learn the better way to treat their

Teaching should always start from the basic. You
have to make them feel first that you love them
so they could develop their trust on you. Once
you have gained their trust, teaching them
simple commands of obedience will be easy. You
can tell them to come to you or you could teach
them the "no" command. The complex tricks will
just follow later on. Making use of short length
leash might be needed to make them stay near you.

A dog needs attention just like the children,
and if you shower them with it, it will be easy
to make them obey you and you will be able to
discipline them with less effort. You do not
have to hit or strike them if they do something
that is against your will. A talk will be enough
to make them realize that what they did is wrong.
Praising them and giving them rewards will boost
their self confidence which will push them to
learn more. Lastly, help them recognize you as
their pack leader. This will greatly help you in
their dog training later on.

The author writes for http://sitdropstay.com.au/
which provides information regarding dog
training. Sitdropstay was created in response to
an urgent need to improve the quality of dog
training and knowledge of canine behaviour.

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