Sunday, February 10, 2013

Dog Training: Top Reasons Why Your Rottweiler Barks

You may feel you had enough of listening to your
Rottweiler barking in your home and finding ways
to stop it from barking however have you ever
wondered why it barks? You need to know the
reasons why your pet is barking and you need to
learn that a Rottweiler is born to bark. Dog
barks because it has something to tell you, it
is its normal way of delivering his message to
you. Your Rottweiler may bark when he is angry,
excited and when it wants to play. It also barks
when scared.

Here are some kinds of barking and the message
that you rottweiler wants to deliver:

Greeting Barking - he wants to be with his
owners' side

Injury or Illness Related Barking - he might be
sick or he is in trouble

Territorial Barking - senses somebody stepped
into its territory

Alarm Barking - smells smoke

Attention Seeking Barking - needs its routinary

Compulsive Barking - it wants to release its
energy by playing or running

Frustration Barking - eager to get something but
it can't get it

Barking is a major characteristic of a
Rottweiler and you can't eliminate barking from
its nature however you can control it.
Rottweilers are guardians by nature so they have
an inborn instinct to guard their territory and
protect their family pack. Make sure that you
give attention to the barking because you may
never know that it is already a warning that you
need to be aware of to control your Rottweiler
barking, you need to know what time of the day
it usually barks, what is it is barking at and
what triggers the barking. If the time of the
barking is constant everyday then maybe there is
something happening in the area (like children
coming home from school).

The most common reason for a Rottweiler to bark
is a territorial issue. So you need to create an
environment where your Rottweiler will not feel
the urge to exert its territorial nature to
guard your property. Start by taking control and
let him know that you are the alpha leader of the

Try to to get rid of things or ways that your
Rottweiler may see false threats to its
territory - draw the curtains or blinds if it is
inside, grow thick vegetation to limit its view
of the area outside the yard. This way, your
Rottweiler will not see the postman and everyone
else walking by.

The Dog Training Source Today specializes in
providing training advice to dog owners. Whether
you want your dog to sit, stop barking, walk
nicely on the lead or simply just be quiet -
this is the place for you.
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