Saturday, February 2, 2013

Finding An Excellent Suitable Dog Boarding Bridgewater NJ

By Rosetta Drake

If you are a dog owner it is inevitable that at some point you are going to have to leave the dog, you may be going on holiday or have an important engagement that means you have to leave home for a while. Fortunately when this occurs you can leave your dog at dog boarding service that will look after your dog properly until you return. Have a look online for dog boarding Bridgewater NJ and look at your options.

But how to find a good dog boarding service that will take good care of your dog, and give it the best possible stay during its time away from you? It is a good idea to speak to your vet, as well as family and friends as they may have services to recommend. Also call round a number of services and ask them some questions.

Firstly, ask them where your dog will stay? You need to know what kind of living space your dog will have. It is worth asking for a tour of the kennels and check out the facilities. You want to see for yourself that the facility is clean, organized and fee from odors. Do the dogs stay in cages? Will this ok for your dog or is it used to having more free space. Also if you have an older dog it may have arthritis, in which case it will need space to move around or it may be in pain.

You will also want to know how much walking time your dog will have. Some dog kennel facilities walk digs twice a day for just a few minutes. This is ok for certain breeds but others require more exercise. If you own one of these dogs you can request that the kennel staff walk your dog more regularly or for longer periods of time.

The food that the kennels feed to dogs is another thing to consider. Although you can always take your chosen food to the kennel when your dog goes in and request that they feed them your food. You can also give instructions to the staff to follow while your dog is in their care.

It is also worth asking if your dog will be able to play with other dogs, and if there is a play area. It is not always wise to allow dogs to play in kennels die to the risk of fighting or the spread of illness. But the kennel staff should be aware of this and be able to decide when it is appropriate and monitor the dogs at all times.

Of course you will want to know what will happen should your dog get injured or sick. Good kennels should have knowledgeable staff that will monitor your dog regularly to see if there is any change in its behavior, eating patterns or if it appears to be unwell. Kennel staff should also be keeping a log of your dogs behavior throughout the day.

If you are unable to find a good dog kennel service you can look at dog sitting options instead. This involves having someone stay or visit your home to look after your dog while you are away. This is usually more expensive than using dog boarding Bridgewater NJ.

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