Friday, February 1, 2013

Some Important Aspects Of Dog Grooming

By Rosetta Drake

There are many things that dogs need so they can be healthy and happy. Aside from food and shelter, they also need dog grooming phoenix. This is necessary so dogs will look beautiful at all times. Another reason why this is necessary is because it is one way that you can keep them from getting sick. If you will groom a dog, there are a few things that you should do to groom them properly.

Owners should always remember that dog grooming is not the same with all kinds of dogs. This would vary depending on the size and breed of the dogs you are taking care of. For example, you need to use a different approach when dealing with fluffy dogs or dogs with short hair. To know the best way to groom your dogs, what you can do is talk to your veterinarian about it.

Bathing is essential in keeping dogs healthy and beautiful. This should be done to get rid of tangles and matted. Always keep in mind that you should only use soap free shampoo so you will not irritate the dog's eyes and skin. Some dogs would require weekly baths while there are some that are fine with monthly or bimonthly baths.

To maintain their coat, owners have to brush it from time to time. Just like bathing, how often you should do this depends on the dog's breed. Long haired dogs usually require constant brushing to prevent tangles and to get rid of any dirt and debris. There are all kinds of brushes and combs available for each type of hair.

One part of grooming most dogs would like to avoid is dog cleaning. This is not an easy thing to do because dogs tend to fidget or move around when this is done. Ear cleaning, however, is essential since dogs can produce a lot of ear wax in a short period of time. Cleaning helps avoid hearing loss, hematoma, and other types of complications.

Aside from ear cleaning, owners should also be religious in trimming their dog's nails. Nail care is important in dogs for untrimmed nails can cause pain and sores. This also makes it difficult for dogs to walk on smooth surfaces. Nails should be trimmed as soon as you can see that is it already very long.

Dogs may also need a haircut especially if for breeds with curly or long hair. Common examples are the pomeranian, shih tzu, and the poodle. Owners should also do this if their dogs are not the type that shed their hair with every seasonal change. Haircuts keep them tidy and prevents hair from irritating the eyes.

All of these can be done by the owner especially if he has time and the needed materials. However, if they find this hard, there are also professionals that can do this for them. Some owners take their dogs to a groomer or vet to be thoroughly groomed.

Dog grooming phoenix can ensure that your dogs will always be healthy and presentable. The activity itself is one way to bond with them. If you have dogs, never take this for granted because it is important as food or shelter.

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