Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Many Aspects Of Dog Training

A dog is said to be a man's best friend. Why is
this so? Because studies and experiences have
shown that a dog can be loyal to its master. It
can obey and follow what its master says or
orders, and can keep its master company without
complaining. Since dogs have shown such capacity
to be true and obedient, there are ways to
further improve their behavior through
appropriate dog training which can start as
early as when the dogs are still puppies.

Dogs are trainable. Their behaviors can be
modified or altered such as in assisting in
specific activities like carrying a basket or
picking something that is thrown. They can also
be taught how to undertake a particular task
when properly trained. In fact, they can take
part in domestic life when taught such tasks as
fetching a pair of slippers when the master of
the house comes home from work, pick up an
object when ordered to do so, and various other
things which are simple household tasks.

There are actions which are not natural to a dog
that is why to train a dog requires a lot of
patience on the part of the dog trainer. It is
not easy to modify a behavior of the dog to
accommodate to his environment. For example,
what is natural to a dog is natural digging.
When a dog is trained, natural digging can be
modified to dig for something that is buried
when commanded to do so. Likewise, barking can
also be modified such that when a dog is asked
or commanded; it can bark once for a "yes"
answer and bark twice for a "no "answer. In the
purposeful changing of the dog's behavior, it is
surprising how they can follow commands and

Dog training has employed various tricks and
tactics for training dogs which have made it
quite popular. Dog trainers can teach dogs from
as simple as basic obedience training such as
"sit" , "come", "down", and "stay." These basic
commands can give the trainer an idea how the
dog responds to trainings. There are some dogs
which are quick to reply but there are also some
who are quite slow in their responses. A trainer
finds it fulfilling when a dog immediately obeys
but when a dog is quite slow; it can also be
frustrating on the part of the trainer. If a dog
responds positively to basic training, it may
also be developed for specialized activities
like search and rescue, entertainment, or
protecting people and property, among others.

The author writes for
which provides information regarding dog
training sunshine coast. Sitdropstay was created
in response to an urgent need to improve the
quality of dog training and knowledge of canine

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