Friday, February 8, 2013

Why Dog Obedience Training Leesburg Is Important For Pet Health

By Alyce Larson

There are a number of individuals who own dogs and do not take the time to implement basic technique to teach canines basic commands. Animals left without direction and are unsure of their role or place within the family will contribute to an unbalanced state and the need to take control of the home with the result of anxiety, aggression and disruption. With technique from dog obedience training Leesburg pet owners are able to assist animals of all ages and breeds to achieve a well-adjusted state.

The poor training of animals will contribute to greater destruction and inadequate behaviors including incessant barking that can cause nuisances to neighbors. Where you are unable to provide a structure or routine for your pets it will give rise to destructive and obsessive activities from persistent crying to barking and howling.

There are laws in every state which regulate the the period of time canines are allowed to bark and therefore penalties are faced with nuisances. A lack of exercise and poor stimulation can lead to a bored and destructive pet, which means poor control during walks or vet check ups. To avoid all of the problems associated with an unhappy pet, engage in suitable obedience training.

Regardless of how old your dog is or what breed it is, canines require structure and need to be trained to remain disciplined. Understanding the basic commands including sit, stay, heel and paw while rewarding with a suitable treat or toy will strengthen the association. Do not engage in negative reinforcement where chokers and electric collars are implemented as this will produce fear and resistance.

The process of positive reinforcement is considered most favorable for all types of dogs with most outcomes provided for the long term. Once the desired response s performed you may use a clicker while providing a tasty treat. After some time, the animal will learn to associate the desired behavior with the clicker or command.

To make sessions more interesting it is necessary to schedule the sessions and to keep it stimulating. Ensuring your pooch remains intrigued and engaged by the training means it should not extend for a lengthy period. Avoid harsh punishment and instead a firm no or stern tone of voice will let the dog know that the particular behavior is not desired.

Search for treats that your pooch will respond to that are also healthy. Engage in adequate planning of all sessions and break it down so that your pet is able to master one command at a time. This will allow the animal to focus on one trick at a time.

There are professional classes available for all pet owners who do not have the time to dedicate to teaching these basic commands. With the availability of dog obedience training Leesburg owners are assisted to raise a happier and well-adjusted canine. Greater discipline and structure will lead to a satisfied, responsive and stimulated animal.

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