Thursday, February 7, 2013

Why You Should Employ A Dog Walker Houston Professional

By Alyce Larson

Life for dogs in the city or any built up area can be hard. Many owners who live in these areas have small apartments and have to work long hours. This is far from ideal for any animal, especially dogs who need a lot of exercise. If you work for six hours or more everyday then you need a dog walker Houston professional.

As a pet owner that lives in the city you should not feel to guilty. There are a lot of good points to this kind of life. In a built up area there are thousands of different smells, sights and sounds to experience. All of these things keep your pet stimulated. There are also plenty of other dogs for important socializing. Pets that live in rural locations miss out on all of this.

But an urban pet can become lonely when you have to go to work all day. Even if you have two dogs, boredom and frustration can still become a factor. To ease their boredom they may start chewing furniture and barking loudly, disrupting your neighbors. This is when a professional walker is required.

Hiring someone allows your dog to get outside during the long hours of the day. This means they can exercise and relieve themselves outside and not in your apartment! Due to the rise in popularity of this service there is now a lot of choice for an owner. Not all these services are the same so how do you find the right one for you?

Before you start looking for professionals think about what you and your dog needs. You can be sure your animal will be well cared for and safe with a large recognized company. However, they may not be able to guarantee the same person walking your dog every day.

Most owners prefer to have their pet walked by the same person. For this kind of service an independent walker could be the answer. Having different people coming in to walk dogs each day can leave them stressed. With a familiar person a strong relationship can be achieved. The down side is that independents will have less time available meaning you may not be able to book them for your preferred time. There could also be days when the dog does not get out due to the professional being ill or going on vacation.

Another thing to think about is whether you want your dog walked on its own or in a pack. In a pack there is more socialization with other dogs. This is a good thing for most dogs but some do not get on well with other animals. Walking in a pack also tends to be cheaper than individual walks, in some cases up to half the price of a solo walk.

Before you start interviewing people about the job, write down all the questions you want to ask them. Always ask for recommendations from people who have hired them in the past and about their qualifications. You should also be prepared to answer some questions too, as a good dog walker Houston professional will ask about what the animals likes and about any medical issues.

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