Saturday, March 30, 2013

Basic Facts You Should Understand In Regards To The Airedale Terrier

The Airedale Terrier (also known as the "King of
Terriers") is a terrier breed. They have a
square head and curly black and tan coat. The
breed is assumed to have first came to be during
the mid-19th century. They were originally used
for hunting a variety of game. In the modern day
they are popular as a police dog, for hunting,
competitive agility or companionship. They can
be distinguished by their sense of adventure and
sheer size as a terrier. Their earlier ancestors
are the Otterhound and Welsh Terrier and are
known to originate from Airedale in England.

They are recognized as a large sized dog. The
appropriate male guidelines are 50-70 pounds
with a height of 23 inches, while the female
measurements are 45-70 pounds and a height of 22
inches. Their temperament is famously known as
being bold, adventurous and sometimes
dominating. They are mostly friendly towards
people they're not familiar with, and this can
make them unsuitable as a guard dog. Compared
with all other dogs, they are identified as
being quite smart, and are ranked 29th when
being taught new things.

They are not the best (due to their high energy)
with kids, and that makes them not very suitable
for a family pet. They don't combine peacefully
with other animals such as other dogs they may
become aggressive with. One pretty demanding
task is taking care of their coat. They require
occasional brushing every week, and a full-body
groom every 6 to 8 weeks. They like to have a
medium to large yard that gives them space to
run around, but won't be suitable for living in
an apartment.

They're primarily slightly shorter-lived, like
many large sized dogs, and have an expected life
of 10-13 years. Their most common health concern
is hip dysplasia, and they can also be
susceptible to bloat, skin allergies and dry
skin. They love hobbies such as running, playing
games, agility and swimming. To avoid
hyperactivity, they call for long walks each day
because of their high level of energy.

You must be ready to meet their needs for
exercise and leadership if you bring home the
Airedale Terrier. They're not an ideal option
for families with young children, but perfect
for active owners or families with older
children. Perhaps the most appealing thing when
it comes to this particular breed is seen in
that it can adapt to any number of situations
given its high level of intelligence and

If you want to read more about facts about
training the Airedale Terrier and more topics
like this see this amazing website:

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