Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Best Breed Of Dog Is The Golden Retriever

The Golden retriever is thought to have
originated from Scotland in the middle years of
the Eighteenth century, at Sir Dudley
Marjoribanks' estate. Its because of their
capability to retrieve game that has been shot
that Golden retrievers acquire their name.
During those times water fowl and wild boars
were the most extensively hunted and recovered
by the Golden retrievers. This breed of dog is
so loyal to it's owners that it does not damage
any of the retrieved game. They became well
known once the need to recover game from
unfriendly environments arose. These dogs are
generally comfortable on water and also on land
making them super effective whenever they are
recovering game from virtually any location.


Its great intellect is one of the reasons the
Golden retriever is a widely recognized breed
when compared to other dogs. From the initial
job of retrieving game, the Golden retriever is
now used as a rescue dog, guide dog for blind
people, tracking dog and a narcotic detector at
airports and various other public places. All
these capabilities are due to its intellect
making it among the most searched for breed of
dogs in the world today.


This dog breed possesses a mild character and is
also incredibly faithful to its owners making it
highly preferred in nations like The UK, USA as
well as Australia. Because of hunting skills and
instincts, this breed of dog occasionally has a
tendency to wander and be somewhat aggressive
whenever agitated or provoked by a strange
person. This breed also has a strong love for
its owners. Golden retrievers are very energetic
dogs and for that reason, they need lots of
exercises and outdoor time. They are generally
extremely used to water mainly because
originally they are presumed to have been
crossed with the now extinct Tweed Water Spaniel
dog breed. Apart from its initial qualities of
tracking,these dogs are overall very graceful.


In a bid to adapt to the many parts of the world
they live, Golden retrievers have evolved. This
explains the difference in their looks and
external appearance presently. Compared to the
British type, the Canadian type is taller and
possesses a thinner build. The coats of these
Golden retrievers likewise vary in shade and
thickness. The British Golden retrievers also
are not really as tall as the American type
that also have curly and thick coats whose
shades vary. Around Europe and Australia the
British Golden retrievers are the most popular
but they are also widely sought after in America
and Canada. While they swim, Golden retrievers
can easily preserve their warmth simply because
they have got thick inner coats.

Their Health

There are lots of Golden retrievers that have
lived beyond the recognized dog life spun as
their masters took proper care of them. However,
there are many ailments which attack Golden
retrievers. The diseases include; Cardiomyopathy
( this illness attacks the heart), Liver Lyme
disease, cancer, allergies, a huge variety of
viral and bacterial infections. Since Golden
retrievers are mainly outdoor dogs, they
encounter obesity if they are not provided
plenty of time to workout. Statistics prove
that Golden Retrievers are mostly killed by

Obtain the smart and friendly breed of golden
retriever at inexpensive rates from here:

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