Friday, March 29, 2013

The Most Important Ten Facts To Know About Mange In Dogs

Mange in dogs is a kind of health condition that
is caused by tiny mites that live in the hair of
a dog. It usually results in severe irritation
and itchiness and can often result in hair loss
or even bacterial infection. Being aware of how
to keep your dog safe from mange can be
beneficial in that it will allow you to avoid
the ugly side effects this condition is known
for. Below are the top 10 facts you need to know
about mange in dogs.

1. The most common form of mange dogs come
across is called demodectic mange. Tiny mites
that live on the dog's hair cause it. The other
form of mange is scabies, or sarcoptic mange,
and this is where mites burrow into the skin.

2. Humans are also capable of catching scabies
from their dog. They can live on your skin for
weeks and cause itchiness, but since they can't
reproduce on humans they eventually disappear on
their own.

3. In most cases it's quite minor, but
demodectic mange is the more problematic form
for dogs. It might clear up without any
treatment whatsoever and can be start as a small
hairless patch around the eyes or chin.

4. The mites can end up spreading and covering
the rest of the body in some cases. This leads
to even more hair loss and itchiness. Pimples
and skin discharges can occur after a while due
to the development of bacteria.

5. If your dog shows these signs then careful
treatment is necessary. They are limited in
their ability to fight the condition due to the
presence of bacteria and their immune system is
weakened. This means you should not get your dog
vaccinated because their immune system will be
too weak to develop antibodies and this can do
them great harm.

6. Strengthening the immune system should be
your primary goal in finding a treatment method.
As mange is mostly dependent on a weak immune
system, strengthening it will most often help
your dog overcome the condition.

7. While their immune system is weak is when a
dog is most likely to get mange. This can be
while they're a puppy or it can be a symptom of
poor diet in older dogs.

8. A good diet will help to prevent your dog
getting the disease. Also, you should ensure
they are well groomed and bathed regularly.

9. Mange can be passed on from other dogs, so be
careful who you let your dog come into contact
with. A puppy has a weak immune system until 6
months of age so you should try not to take them
out before this time.

10. It's possible to treat and prevent mange by
supplementing your dog's diet with the right
ingredients. The most important ingredients are
zinc, Vitamin E and Vitamin C.

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