Saturday, September 21, 2013

Important Solutions For A Sustainable Farm

By Lianne Derocco

In order to survive and address their everyday needs, people produce products. What many don't realize is that by making such things, it can be detrimental to the environment and can cause a negative impact to them in return. For those who owns a farm and are producing livestock, it is important that you make sure that agricultural wastes are managed properly and that water supply is safe and clean. Waste problems and contaminated water can harm your livestock including other creatures and humans near the surrounding area of the farm.

Rearing healthy animals for both consumption and commercial purposes requires adequate supply of fresh and clean water. Having a pond in the farm or a stock tank is needed in order to have a steady supply of clean water. Basically, potable water is a vital need for virtually all living creatures aside from human beings. By making sure that you have safe clean water for your livestock, you will benefit more from raising such animals. Therefore, when looking for solutions for a sustainable water supply, it is highly recommended to only use organic and natural products.

Aside from contaminated water, your farm may face other water issues. Contaminated ponds in particular may have a strong smell that needs immediate solution. Aqua Sphere is a sophisticated water purifier that you can use to treat water in the pond and make it clean and clearer. It is formulated using special bacterial microbes which eat away at excess nutrients and organic build-up in the water. With the help of Aqua Sphere, you can have safe water supply for your livestock while getting rid of any foul smell from the pond.

Another product that you should consider using especially regarding your livestock's drinking water supply is the Healthy Ponds Stock Tank cleaner. This refillable dispenser which you submerged to keep your stock tanks clean works by providing natural good bacteria to reduce sludge through decomposition. With each refill, stock tank of up to 300 gallons can be treated for up to 30 days. There is no risk of over treatment as this product is all natural and do not contain toxic chemicals. For best results, make sure to start with a clean stock tank.

In addition to selecting safe water treatment solutions, you should also consider using treatments for waste pits or waste lagoons. Proper handling of animal waste is vital for the health of everyone in the farm as well as to the livestock and any animals within the surrounding area. When agricultural waste pits are poorly managed, top-level foaming and crusting can start including sludge formation on the bottom of your pit or lagoon.

Agricultural waste that you accumulate contributes to the issue of environmental degradation. An effective product that you can use to treat waste lagoons or waste pits is Agra Sphere. Agra Sphere is an environment friendly solution that help prevents crusting and sludge formation. Lagoon Agra Sphere has been formulated specifically for waste lagoons. It works the same as Agra Sphere in preventing sludge build up and crusting.

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