Friday, September 27, 2013

The Proper Ways To Tow Your Car

By Jason Maynard

When transporting trucks and cars, tow truck drivers are assuming a significant amount of responsibility. They work with a broad range of automobiles and trucks, as well as hazardous machinery, and are are exposed to a high number of dangerous situations. For this reason, they must give careful thought to towing safety measures.

The majority of tow truck drivers must protect their hands when working, and subsequently must wear gloves. This is due to the fact that they are frequently called upon to retrieve cars and trucks that were damaged during accidents. Such incidents often create jagged edges on the vehicle's surface, and protective gloves can help the driver to avoid injuries such as cuts. Gloves of this type also help tow truck operators when they are attaching steel cables and chains to numerous trucks or automobiles.

Shoes or boots featuring steel toes are usually recommended for tow truck and horse floats for sale drivers as well, as they work around potentially hazardous, heavy equipment. It is also a good idea for drivers to purchase boots or shoes with slip resistant soles. Footwear of this type can minimize the number of accidents that occur, as well as prevent injuries. When working in inclement weather, slickers or parkas are additional items in which such individuals should consider investing.

Some tasks require tow vehicle operators to pick up cars in high crime areas or secluded locations. This is why each employee should alert his or her manager of the location in which the job must be completed, and how long he or she expects to be in the area. When working after hours, the driver should turn on the vehicle's floodlights. Any employee who observes suspicious activity should not leave the vehicle, but rather telephone the police.

Defensive driving is also a vital consideration for anyone who operates a tow truck. The term itself is a broad phrase that covers numerous safety precautions, such as refusing to tailgate, being alert for potential road hazards, and refraining from speeding.

The truck's equipment should also be inspected before the driver begins a job. Chains should be a minimum of grade 7 or stronger. Any chains that show signs of wear or tear should be replaced. The winch and cable system of the truck should also be inspected for defects on a regular basis, and any irregular findings should be reported to one's employer.

Tow car drivers regularly face traffic hazards. This is why setting up a towing safety zone is essential. When retrieving a vehicle, the floodlights of the truck should remain on as an alert to others. Reflective vests should also be worn. It is impossible to prevent all incidents or accidents, but following the tips outlined above will significantly lower the risk for such occurrences.

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