Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Why A Mice Removal Company Can Provide The Expertise To Eradicate Your Mouse Problem

By Dave L. Weglin

The mouse can be a nuisance to home owners, and an even greater nuisance to farmers and business owners. The chewing, gnawing, urine and droppings of this elusive creature can cause significant damage. When mouse infestation occurs, engaging a mice removal company is often the best option.

The most common pest mouse is the house mouse. They are nocturnal animals, sleeping up to twelve hours a day. This coupled with the fact that they are shy creatures, means that they can remain mostly unseen by humans. If they are indeed seen, this can be a sign that a large population has developed. This can easily happen since the mouse is such a prolific breeder.

A female can give birth to between six and eight pups in a litter, and produce between five and ten litters a year. They also breed all year round, with their offspring reaching sexual maturity at between six and eight weeks. They will however tend to breed less in winter time or when food is less readily available.

This prolific breeding capacity of these creatures is somewhat offset by their short lifespan. Most will be lucky to survive beyond a year, although they can live for up to three years under optimum conditions. They are social animals, with females and young living under the protection of a dominant male.

The mouse is a surprisingly athletic creature, and is adept at finding its way in to a vulnerable building. They like to nest in dark, protected areas and will typically take up residence where they can be reasonably warm and dry. The presence of pellets, and detritus from chewing are evidence that infestation has occurred.

Property owners should be scrupulous in their handling of foodstuffs, since this is the thing most of all that will attract rodents. Waste food should be carefully cleared up and disposed of. Food that has to be stored should be done so securely in rodent-proof containers.

They will often enter a building through small gaps, cracks, and crevices in its structure. Although newer buildings are by no means immune to infestation, older ones with more wear and tear are most vulnerable. An excellent preventative measure is to carefully examine your property for any likely openings and fill them with cement or other hard filler.

Since they are such elusive creatures, confirming mouse infestation can be a challenge. They can also be difficult to eradicate for those unfamiliar with their habits. If infestation does occur, often the best option is to engage a mice removal company. Experienced pest controllers can pinpoint the problem accurately and provide a thorough eradication.

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