Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Great Exercise Options For Your Dog

By Cheng Bernhardt

Some dogs enjoy spending much of their time lazing on a large cushion while others seem to have endless amounts of energy. For every type of dog, however, some exercise is needed and beneficial. While it's important to speak with your vet about the amount and type of exercise your dog can handle, here are a few examples of what your dog might need and enjoy.

Of course, just as people prefer a variety of activities, so do our dogs, and different breeds are built to be able handle different levels of exercise. Some dogs and breeds simply have more stamina than others. In addition, older dogs or dogs with health problems might need to take things a bit easier, perhaps an easy walk in the morning and evening. You can also make the walk more interesting for both of you by driving to a different neighborhood park or nature area once in awhile. If the weather is not conducive to outdoor exercise, there are doggie treadmills that can be helpful even for dogs with arthritis. Physical exercise actually can alleviate the discomfort of arthritis, and doctors often recommend that pets have daily walks.

Of course, other dogs are in great health and have tons of energy and they need a bit more strenuous activity. If you love to run or jog, your dog might also benefit from this exercise. Some people even take their dog along for a bike ride, and certain breeds are definitely fond of this activity. If you have a pet such as a Bassett hound or a dachshund, running and biking are probably not wise, as these pets have short legs. Still, they love to go on walks and scamper about. Some breeds will keep going and going, even when they need to stop, so be sure to provide water and don't overdo the exercise.

Some dogs can become bored quite easily, so for many animals it is wise to schedule some interesting play activities in addition to daily walks or runs. Dogs that are bored can become quite destructive and unhappy, so investing in some different types of toys is a good idea. You can play together with the toys and also provide toys that the dog can use by himself, such as a chew toy or a toy that holds a treat and the dog must figure out a way to get the treat out.

Dogs love running on agility courses and dog agility provides plenty of interesting exercise for your pet. Not only will your dog have a great time, owners enjoy it as well. You might think it's just for larger dogs such as shepherds, but most breeds will enjoy some level of agility training. For a small-sized animal, simply use mini agility equipment so that they are safe and obstacles are manageable. Competitions are fun, as well, but you don't have to compete in order to get a lot out of dog agility training.

Not only will your dog have a great time and gain strength and coordination, learning agility skills improves their behavior. This is because of two factors. One, your dog will learn many typical behavior skills during training, such as sitting, staying, coming when you call him and more. In addition, dogs with regular and interesting exercise in general tend to be happier and less prone to excessive barking, chewing, scratching and other difficult behavior. If you need agility equipment, Carlson Agility offers a full selection including quality agility jumps, agility tunnels, pause tables, tire jumps, dog walks, a-frames, weaves and much more. All of their equipment also is available miniaturized for smaller dogs and puppies.

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