Monday, June 9, 2014

How To Find The Kind Of Dog Boarding DC Animal Lovers Choose

By Sally Delacruz

Caring for an animal companion requires more than good food and exercise. It also means finding the best place for that four-legged friend to stay when his human family is on vacation or away for the weekend. The type of dog boarding DC animal lovers demand includes excellent physical facilities and individualized attention, as well as an attitude of deep respect for all living creatures.

Both dogs and humans share a dislike for having comfortable routines disrupted. While some animals may find it exciting, many are terrified by an abrupt change in scene. Selecting a particular facility should include the possibility that a particular dog may need extra comfort and personalized attention upon arrival, and that there will be enough time and adequate staff to meet those requirements.

Ask your own veterinarian which type of care will be most appropriate. If there has been an overnight hospital stay, the staff can make helpful suggestions regarding previous behavior away from home. Vets are also routinely exposed to the opinions of their customers, and while an animal doctor will probably not recommend a kennel by name, they can help prevent people from making poor choices.

On a practical level, finding a recommended facility that is reasonably close saves both pets and humans the stress of enduring a long ride that can leave both parties upset and anxious. Handing over an upset or carsick dog to strangers is difficult for both parties. When a kennel meets the requirements for comfortable and convenient access, make an appointment to tour the facility well ahead of departure.

Not all states require certification, and there are tangible differences in standards. A routine visit usually reveals any obvious problems with sanitation. While it is impossible to always keep a kennel in pristine condition, residents should be provided with fresh bedding and clean water regularly. If the animals seem to be in a state of turmoil with constant barking or howling, they are probably unhappy.

Qualified staff members are key to running a successful operation. Good caretakers ask questions regarding the need for specific exercises, special foods, personality quirks, and current medication schedules. They should regard each creature as a unique guest, rather than simply another dog. Individual needs must be geared to the age of an animal, as well as any physical disabilities.

Playtime should be supervised, and is most effective when dogs are divided roughly by size and age. Not all kennels include this service in their basic packages, so be sure to ask about additional charges. Some energetic dog breeds require additional walks, and this must be arranged ahead of time. Play areas should be checked for obvious hazards, and dogs should not wear collars during play activity for safety reasons.

Because the animals live in close quarters, having up-to-date immunizations helps prevent disease. Even though it may be difficult to discover everything about a potential dog boarding choice, pay close attention to gut reactions. If something is just does not feel right, select a different facility. Ask as many questions as necessary in order to provide the best experience for everyone involved.

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