Saturday, June 7, 2014

Only Akc Registered French Bulldog Puppies Should Be Bough

By Sally Delacruz

With its small stature, the French bulldog produces a very serious impression. Sometimes it seems that if AKC registered French bulldog puppies were to be turned into a person for even a minute, they would certainly take the shape of some form of royalty, they simply have an amazing inner dignity. However, in fact, this "serious animal" is a very happy and cheerful creature, sincerely and selflessly dedicated to its adored master.

Your pups could be used as pets, for shows, or for breeding. First, they will need only your love, second, and moreover, you can get prizes at exhibitions, and thirdly- you can help to maintain and improve the breed. Note that males show class animals, regardless of the number of wins, are not always used in breeding.

In this case, you need a pedigree dog. When choosing a pup, look on his character and temperament. This, of course, is a matter of personal preference, but experts recommend you opt for an active, playful animal. Rate the mental health of the animal - you will likely need to meet his mother.

Usually, these dogs respond to strangers adequately. Your friend is his friend, but your enemy is his enemy twice over. Sensing danger, the animal will immediately get involved in the fight and will stand its ground until the end.

There are many sites out there, offering quick ways to find specific information. Thumbing through the pages, in the sites' sections, you will find answers to your questions and more. When you look into the history of the breed, you will learn the history of the dogs, to become familiar with the standard and common features of the breed.

Note that the grooming of you dog will not be complicated. A nice bonus I that this breed sheds little, moreover, they do not have the typical smell many breeds have. Experts recommend daily combing with a soft massage brush. By the way, their coat is an important indicator of their health. If you notice that your animal's fur is dull, it is an occasion to reflect on whether you feed your animal properly, or if it does not have any health problems. Wash your pet with a mild shampoo or baby soap. These dogs are very fond of water, but you need to accustom them to it gradually, so that bathing is not turned into torture.

You must understand how important movement is for the dogs, they need fresh air and to socialize. Your pet will be very grateful to you for an adventure into nature, or just a long walk in the park. The contemporary breed is a small one. They are 30-35 cm long, strong and muscular dogs with a short snout. Characteristic features include high erect ears, flat nose and a bifurcated upper lip, which bares incisors. They can have the most varied coat colors (besides black) - brindle, fawn, white and yellow (spotted), cream or white.

It is also important to know that the teeth of the animals are not too strong and grind quickly, so they should not get many bones. For the prevention of dental problems, use special toothbrushes and special toys. Do not forget that the breed requires regular manicuring.

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