Sunday, November 30, 2014

What You Might Not Know About Raising Swine

By Lianne Derocco

Raising swine is a huge industry in our country with more than 50 million hogs raised for consumption each year. Swine farming is not easy, but many people love being a part of this long-standing industry. Here are a few facts about pork production and swine management that you might not know.

While there are hog farms in just about every state, most of the farms are in the Midwestern portion of the country, especially Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa. There are actually more swine in Iowa that humans, so this is obviously a very important industry in that state.

Although beef is still a bit more popular in America, throughout the world as a whole, pork is the favorite choice for meat. Americans typically prefer to eat pork in the form of ham, but bacon and sausage also are other highly popular pork choices. Hogs offer a great deal of meat, and each market hog produces more than 350 individual servings of pork.

Hogs are not just raised for the meat; they are also used in the production of many common household products as well as pharmaceuticals and medical products. You will find swine by-products in fertilizer, rubber, plastics, linoleum, crayons, glass, glue and more. The adrenal glands of hogs are used in the production of cortisone and epinephrine, while the pancreas glands are used to produce insulin.

Dealing with health concerns and waste are two of the top priorities at hog farms. Hog farmers can keep diseases at bay by managing their hog populations properly, restricting human access to farms and managing waste properly. Hog waste can be very toxic to both swine and humans, so it important to use products that will prevent crusting, reduce odors and improve the nutrient value of the manure. It is also a good idea to use products that are natural and contain no harsh chemicals.

When you already have a great deal of crusting, build-up or foaming, using a swine waste management product such as the ActivatorPlus or ActivatorPlusLGT is recommended. The Activator Plus uses carefully selected microbial organisms to inoculate and activate the organic solids, liquefying that tough top crust. Then to maintain your lagoon or deep pit systems, simply toss in Activator Plus's sister product, the AgraSphere. This also uses safe microbial organisms to eliminate agricultural waste problems before they happen.

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