Thursday, April 7, 2016

What To Consider When Purchasing Artistic Wooden Urns Or Other Cremation Vessels

By Gary Hill

Losing a loved one is always hard and it is no wonder that many people choose to cremate their relatives and keep them nearby. In order to do so, a special vessel called an urn will be needed to keep the remains from being lost or harmed in any way. If you are thinking about whether or not artistic wooden urns are right for you, here is some information you may want to consider.

An urn is simply a vessel or container that is used to hold the ashes of the deceased after they have been cremated. They are available in many different styles and materials. Some are more suitable for certain uses than others would be. Finding the style and the material that suits you best is not hard but it may take a bit of thought on your part.

While there are many different materials to choose from you need to be aware that not all of them will suit your needs. For example, there are urns that are specially designed to withstand wind and rain without degrading the exterior. Some metal vessels are not durable enough and the surface may quickly become damaged. Wooden vessels may warp or split especially if you live in an area that is cold or damp for at least part of the year.

If remains are being kept inside, you have a much wider selection of vessels to choose from. You may want to look at a material such as wood since this can be warmer looking and feel more inviting than a metal version might.

Once you have decided on a wooden urn, you will need to decide how you want it to be constructed. There are several different ways of doing this and the method chosen will impact the overall look of a vessel. For example, some are made from wood that has been bent or jointed together. Others may be turned wood that is made from a single piece that has been turned on a lathe.

Decorating urns can be done in many different ways. The surface can be carved or other types of wood can be inlaid into the surface. Other people want vessels that have had designs painted into the surface. Some of these can be quite beautiful. Others have places where a photo of the deceased can be placed for sentimental reasons.

Since these items are made out of wood there are many different finishes that you can choose from. It may be worthwhile to consider what the other wooden items will look like if you add a different color or grain pattern into the mix. You should also figure out if you want one that has been totally painted or if you want the natural finish underneath to be visible.

There are many different places that you can find these items. You may want to start by speaking to funeral directors or individuals who run crematoriums in order to find out what your options are. If none of them suit you it may be worthwhile to look online to see what is available there.

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