Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Best Tips On How To Train A Puppy

By Wol Jensen

When a family first receives a puppy, they usually are very excited. But having a puppy is great, but along with that comes the responsibility of making sure your dog is properly trained. How to train a puppy is so important, that if not done right, leads to family strife, and sometimes the dog will get put into a shelter for adoption.

How to train a puppy correctly takes time and patience, but when they are trained properly, the adjustment period for you will be shorter and not as stressful. So puppy training starts right when you bring your new member of the family home. This way your puppy will hopefully not get into any bad habits right away.

When starting on how to train a puppy, you will need to teach them their daily routines. These are simply showing them their food and water bowls, where they will be sleeping , and when the four legged members of the family will got to bed an wake up in the morning.

Where your dog will be going potty and where their toys will be kept are a couple more important routines when going through how to train a puppy. If you don't train your puppy the correct way, then your puppy will try and make you fit into their way of living, which will lead to behavior problems from the dog.

How to train a puppy also starts with teaching them words like "No" and "Good" when they are a couple of months old. "No" is a very important word that must be used in the same tone of voice for whenever your dog is doing something that you feel is wrong. "Good" is used in a less stern tone of voice and is a verbal reward for something good they have done.

You should use body language when using the "No" and "Good" word training, so your dog will better understand the difference between those words. A bad method of training your puppy is using dog biscuits.

When using dog biscuits, the dog will first decide if they are hungry, and if they aren't, then they will not obey your command. You can give your puppy a treat after they have done what you have asked of them.

Possibly the most important training is that your dog must respect you as the leader in the home. If your dog doesn't respect you as the leader, then your training could be futile.

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