Sunday, June 5, 2016

Assisi: 4 Ways To House Train Your Kitten

By Robin Setser

When you bring a kitten into the home, it's easy to imagine that there will be ample responsibility on your end. One of the biggest steps for pet owners to take, as I'm sure the likes of Assisi can attest, would be house training. How exactly can this done, without much stress or difficulty to be seen? While it will require work on your end, here are 4 house training methods to help make things at least somewhat easier.

House training your kitten can be done in many ways, but it all starts with the litter box. What you should know is that your kitten's litter box must be placed somewhere that will allow enough privacy. Given the independence that cats traditionally long for, this would make sense. Privacy is one of the many factors that goes into house training your kitten, and I am sure that companies the likes of Assisi Animal Health will be able to say the same.

Next, make sure that your kitten's litter is fresh. Ideally, you want to make sure that it's scooped out every other day, so that it can be replaced with fresh litter. Of course, you might have to do this more often than others, depending on how many cats you own. This could prove to be one of the more time-consuming endeavors, but it's necessary if you're going to house train your kitten to become more self-sufficient.

The environment that your kitten lives in will be influential in how easy it will be to train them, too. You want to ensure that the environment in question is a calm one, seeing as how certain stressors might make the training process needlessly difficult. They should be surrounded with support, which is where your efforts as a caring pet owner will be all the more important. By keeping a sound environment, house training will be done with greater ease.

To wrap things up, make sure that positive reinforcement is carried out, too. Whenever your kitten shows improvement, especially if he or she was struggling before, recognize their good behavior. You might be surprised by how much of a positive influence additional playtime or an extra treat shared can have. When this type of reinforcement is carried out, training can be done with even greater effectiveness in place.

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