Friday, July 15, 2016

Looking For TICA Registered Ragdoll Kittens?

By Helen Young

Who doesn't love a baby cat? They are usually cute, cuddly, and loving. If you are interested in extending your cat ownership to purebred felines, TICA registered ragdoll kittens may be a great addition to your family. Some people purchase these types of cats purely to show, some are content to keep them just as valued family members, and still others are looking for a combination of both. Whatever your goal, there are a number of things you should consider prior to buying one of these fascinating cats.

The International Cat Association has very specific requirements that must be met in order for any animal to be registered with it. If you are looking for a show quality kitten, you should probably select a breeder from one on the association's approved list. This is the surest way to avoid problems with its pedigree later on.

Ragdolls are beautiful cats with distinctive markings, blue eyes, and easy dispositions. They have a reputation for being gentle and will often follow their favorite humans from room to room. One of the characteristics that fascinate cat lovers is their tendency to go completely limp when relaxed and comfortable in someone's arms. These animals generally are perfectly willing to blend in with pets already in the home.

A household that includes small children may not the best environment for a kitten or any other type of pet. Young people do not always have good judgement when it comes to the treatment of a small animal. If you decide to introduce a ragdoll into your home, you will have to be careful to supervise any child's interaction with the kitten.

Kittens do need special care when they first join the family. They will have to be trained to use a litter box for instance. This job is often just a matter of making sure they know where the box is located, but some cats require a little more encouragement. Most young animals do not need to be given the run of the house in the beginning. You can contain them in a few rooms at first and then open your home to them gradually.

Not every cat is a candidate for professional showings. Only those with the right personality traits will succeed in this type of arena. The International Cat Association can be helpful as you decide the future of your new feline.

Not all cats are suited for this type of enterprise. They have to have the right temperament and not be easily frightened or distracted by noise, people and other felines. They also have to be willing to be handled by judges who will be strangers to them. Luckily most ragdolls possess these general characteristics.

Ragdolls are a great breed of cat whether you intend to show them professionally or simply make them private family members. Pets can be a joy and comfort to everyone who comes in contact with them.

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