Thursday, August 24, 2017

How Can English Bulldog Breeders Change Your Life

By Helen Russell

All dogs are beautiful, faithful and they all deserve to have owners that will take care of them. Some breeds are more popular than others, and one of these breeds is certainly the English bulldog. Puppies are so adorable that you just cannot leave without wanting to have one. Find English bulldog breeders in your town and see for yourself.

This lovely dog is really special in so many ways. He is not too large and not too small, just the right size for your family. He comes in various wonderful colors and has really characteristic looks. Wide head, rose ears and heavy body, deep set nose and warm, lovely eyes. This particular breeds sheds, and you should keep this in mind if you have allergies.

Bulldog has really unique character as well. He is very stubborn dog. If he doesn't want to do something, that's usually it. He won't do it, whatever you try. You might think it's hard to teach him something, but it's really not true. When he wants to, he can learn whatever he wants. And once he does, he will remember it forever.

Bulldogs are never aggressive and will behave in company of strange people or animals. Well, if they don't try to touch his food. He really doesn't like that. His food is his property. Period. Don't touch him when he eats or else. He will probably alert you if someone strange approaches your door, but he won't be a first class watchdog. Well, he will be adorable instead.

There are several things you can be sure about when it comes to different pure breeds. They will look exactly as you expect them to look, and they will have higher chances for getting some genetic diseases characteristic for their breed. Bulldogs might have heart problems, certain issues with their hips and breathing, and highly sensitive skin prone to allergies.

Unlike other breeds, Bulldogs don't require too much exercise. They are quite slow and lazy, and will be more than satisfied with one short little walk every day. They would be satisfied without this walk as well, but it is important to take your dog for a walk every single day, for his own good. He needs to take even this small exercise to stay healthy.

Puppies are simply adorable, and people cannot resist them. But, it requires a lot of work, to have a dog, and people often do not realize it. When you come home with your new pet, you need to set the boundaries right away. Rules are important part in dog's life, and you have to be consistent about the rules you make. When something is forbidden, it has to be forbidden every time.

You have probably heard about the pack leader syndrome. If you don't want to be the boss to your dog, it will probably be vice versa. It will make it difficult to train him, and might also lead to different behavioral problems. So, become a pack leader and it will make your life easier.

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