Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Important Steps To Take Note Of When It Comes To Dressage Lessons

By Kevin Murray

Domesticated animals should be trained. They need guidance when it comes to interacting with humans and intense training specifically for those that are to take part in sport. This training needs to be properly timed. This is probably when the animal is young and active hence able to easily grasp new things. The details below explain what happens during dressage lessons.

Allow your horse to be more familiar with you. This is by spending time together doing the simplest of things. It could be bathing it regularly or taking it for walks. This impact horses positively to a point where it can trust and respect its owner. This makes it possible for the animal to listen to this individual when being instructed to move in a certain direction.

Ensure to have the materials needed for the activity. One can work with a professional to advice on the must-have items. Riders need to dress the part for this activity. This involves wearing comfortable boots while riding and a helmet for safety. It is necessary to invest in a saddle, bridle and reins among other important items.

Prepare your horse a few minutes before training. This is through slight exercises before the main activity of the day. It could be walking around for a couple of minutes or jogging. Training can be tiresome, and therefore there should be breaks during each session. This allows your horse to rest and get more energy for the rest of the activities that have been planned.

Start with the basics. This refers to the kind of movements that are expected of the pony. They include trotting and galloping. Once the animal understands these movements, it will be easy to teach other styles that might be more complicated. Those teaching these skills need to be patient with these animals as mastering these movements may take some time.

Teach on how to make transitions. Changes in movement need to be prompt and at the exact time when the rider issues the command. Practice sessions need to be held to ensure that the horse learns to move from one style to another with ease. Through this, the animal will be able to maintain balance between transitions. There should be at least an hour set aside for this.

Place bandages on the legs of the horse. There should be a pad on the bandage to cushion against injuries, which are easy to get during training. The dressing on the leg needs to be done strategically while still allowing comfort. This should be done only for the while when exercise is going on. Beyond this point, the bandage needs to be removed.

Learn the proper position to maintain when on the horse. One needs to maintain an upright sitting position and ensure that the feet always face the ground. In this way, the weight will be balanced across the saddle and make the person ride with ease. The feet should be placed on the iron bar that is meant for foot support. The movement should only be initiated once the person is in a relaxed position.

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