Saturday, April 7, 2018

Before Visiting French Bulldog Puppy Breeders Missouri

By Gregory White

At this point in time you may be considering getting a new pet or companion in your life, preferably of the canine persuasion. Many of your friends may have interested you in getting a French bulldog as a good choice. But before you do go and visit the French Bulldog Puppy Breeders Missouri nearest to you, it may be a good idea to finish off reading this article first.

If research from the AKC, or the American Kennel Club can be used as a basis, this breed, which is popularly known as the frenchie, can be considered as the sixth most popular dog breed in the United States. It has a dark past however, as it was used in ancient times in the arena sport of bull baiting in Europe, and much spread about by Phoenician traders. It became a pet once the sport was outlawed.

It is a canine that will be addicted to attention, and can be considered somewhat an attention monger of sorts. It will ululate eerily, a howl known as the French death howl, when it feels that it is not getting its fair share of love. Females of this breed as also very protective of those they love, including the humans that care for them.

In terms of activity level, most canine experts will rate this dog or rank its activity level as medium. Despite the medium rating, it is a dog that can be quite happy not moving most of the time, and can be well suited for small condo, apartment, or small space living, especially in the inner city. They should however be taken at least for half hour walks a day to maintain their health and also sanity, in terms of releasing unwanted energy.

This is also a dog breed that is very much closely related to the British bulldog. It is however different physically in that it is much smaller and has a wider girth. It also likewise has shorter legs and ears that are erect most of the time, making it look like a bat facially. It will have a much tamer temperament than its British cousin, making it more ideal to keep with other small animals and even children.

Health complications will tend to set in as this breed ages. This can include complications with the eyes as cataracts will tend to set in. Due to their having pug noses and smaller airways, they will have issues with proper regulation of internal body temperatures. This is a breed that should not be kept in areas with extreme temperatures or climates due to this difficulty in temperature regulation.

The frenchie is also a dog breed that is quite short lived. And one can only hope that it lives at an average of around eight to ten years. Lifespan can be extended somewhat with proper care and nutrition. BE sure to follow veterinarian guidelines as regards optimum health.

This in sum is what you will generally expect from this breed. It may be a good idea to leave no stone unturned in looking for more information on what to expect with this particular dog, so as to make you the best owner and companion for it. Remember that making a commitment in getting a pet is a big deal, and you should arm yourself with as much information as possible before taking the plunge.

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