Saturday, April 14, 2018

Tips For Deciding If English Bulldog Puppies For Sale Are A Good Fit For You

By Rebecca Richardson

Adding a kitten or puppy to the household should be done with care. Finding just the right breed, pure or mixed, is critical for success. Families with active lifestyles may choose one type of puppy while others prefer tiny lap dogs. For some the attraction of English bulldog puppies for sale stems from their unique look and, in Georgia, their association with a beloved college football team.

It may be hard to believe, looking at these gentle animals that waddle rather than walk, but they were originally bred as fighters. They get their name from the sport of bull baiting popular in England in the fifteen hundreds. The dogs and bulls were put into an arena in the hope that the dog would grab the bull by the snout and wrestle it to the ground. People of the time actually believed this activity tenderized bull meat, making it more delectable when it got to the dinner table.

In contrast, bulldogs today are bred to be social, sweet animals that love people and positive attention. They are protective and will bark when they hear strange noises. They can intimidate strangers with their fierce looks, but probably won't be able to catch an intruder on the run. Bulldogs are not the easiest animals to train. What they do learn however stays with them throughout their lives.

These dogs make great pets for families with children. Most bulldogs are extremely patient even with very young children. As with all pets, parents must teach children the proper way to interact. Bulldogs can be very particular and territorial about their food dishes. They love to eat and take mealtime seriously. Children should never try to take food away from them.

Grooming is a necessary part of this dog's care. Some owners are surprised that bulldogs shed, but without regular brushing, they will cover your clothes and furniture in loose fur. Their wrinkled faces need daily wiping and drying in between the creases. It's important to brush their teeth regularly. If you hear their nails clicking when they walk, it's time to reach for the nail clippers.

Most bulldogs love to eat. Since they are not particularly active dogs, they have a tendency to gain weight. To avoid this, experts suggest removing the food dish after a meal instead of leaving it and letting your pet graze whenever he gets the notion. Twice a day feedings are usually sufficient. Even bulldogs need exercise. Daily walks should be included in their routine.

Bulldogs have an average life span of about ten years and are prone to a number of health issues. You can help ensure you have the healthiest puppy possible by working only with reputable breeders who can produce health clearances for the parents. Dogs cannot be tested until they are at least two years old and so should not be bred until after that time.

Pets can be wonderful additions to families. Finding the right breed for yours is critical. Pets are as unique as the families that love them.

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