Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Before You Go Out And Buy Ragdoll Kittens For Sale Alabama

By Frank Ross

At this moment you are reading this article because you are looking for a new pet cat, either as a first pet or as a replacement one. Recently you have seen a ragdoll kittens for sale Alabama sign and you are quite intrigued by the prospect. Plus, your friends are also egging you on in getting such a cat, and this has perked your interest even more. Before you do make the final commitment and plunge however, do read on in this article for more information.

Ragdolls are becoming more and more popular since their debut in California in the 1960s when first bred by a certain Ann Baker. Due to their growing popularity, the demand has been on the rise, and supply cannot meet with demand most of the time. Due to this, prices have remained fairly high and stable, so expect to pay anything from five hundred dollars to one thousand dollars per kitten depending on breeding and bloodlines.

Physically there is one unique trait that will set this breed apart from other cats. This is that they will all have blue eyes. Thus if someone is peddling a cat to you and says that it is a ragdoll but it has not the characteristic blue eyes, then it is not a ragdoll. They also come in a variety of colors, but when they are born they are all white. They will come in a range of colors of seal, blue, lilac and chocolate and a mixture of patterns with these colors also.

As regards physiology of this cat, it is what gives it the distinct character of the ragdoll, as to how it acts. When it is picked up it will become limp, and practically boneless, very much like it namesake. This it will do no matter who picks it up, stranger or otherwise. It is thus also a cat that is prone to be easily kidnapped or catnapped as the case maybe, and therefore must be kept inside a majority if not all of the time.

Another unique thing about this cat is that it is very doglike. This is because it will love to follow its owner around everywhere and try to be a part of any activity that is going on at the moment, It is also a cat that will paw at things it plays with and curious in, so there is not need to have it declawed for fear of scratching small children and such.

Although this cat has been classified as one of the biggest domestic cats, this does not mean it can fight. In fact it will fare very poorly in any scuffle or altercation with any other animal. Thus the best thing to do really is to keep it indoors all of the time to keep it safe from other animals outside, especially stray dogs and cats as such.

Bladder stone problems and heart complications will be the items that will hound the health of this breed from the beginning. Thus to keep the bladder stones at bay it as to be given a diet that is not so rich in salt and also be given plenty of water all of the time. As for the heart problems it will develop, it is advised that you have regular visits to the vet for monitoring and treatment if need.

In sum these are basic items and considerations you need to take into account before buying a ragdoll. Remember that being a pet owner is a big responsibility and commitment, so you must do your best to get as much information on whatever breed you have a mind on getting and keeping.

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