Monday, July 23, 2018

The Do's & Don'ts To Know Regarding Cats And Fleas

By Robin Setser

If you think that all fleas do is cause itching, you'd be mistaken. As a matter of fact, it's not far-fetched for a feline to die as a result of their flea-related problems not being solved. This is where preventive measures come into play, and your local veterinary specialist will be able to help in this respect. To make this endeavor less taxing on your end, please adhere to the following do's & don'ts as closely as possible.

DO brush your cats on a regular basis. Ideally, you'll want to use a fine-toothed comb, as its build is ideal for removing any fleas that you might have missed otherwise. The comb in question will be able to carefully move through your cat's fur. Furthermore, as it provides relief, the comb in question will remove both insects and their eggs. According to the likes of Assisi Animal Health, you should comb your pet multiple times a day for optimal results.

DON'T forget to clean your home. No matter how clean your cat might be, it's possible that the elements will still seep into your home. This is why you should regularly clean the home, dusting shelves and vacuuming floors so that these pests will make less of an impression. It might take more time out of your day, but the fact that you were able to carry out this additional effort will benefit your pet's wellbeing that much more.

DO place more emphasis on organic and natural methods. When there is an absence of chemicals, your cat won't be able to ingest them. Unlike dogs, cats bathe themselves, which is done by them licking their own fur. If you were to apply chemicals to their body, they stand a chance of ingesting them, which negatively impacts their health in the long term. Organic and natural methods are the ones that you should turn to.

DON'T use over-the-counter products without consulting your vet first. Even though the aforementioned products claim to remove fleas in no time, the truth is that they not work for your cat. In fact, it's possible that your pet will develop side effects, which means that you have to consult your vet ahead of time. They will be able to tell you all about the products that are on the market and whether they will help your cat's health in general.

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