Monday, June 11, 2007

Our Baby Peanut (Dachshund) at 5 Weeks Old

  • December 12, 2005, Monday around 8pm. This was the first day we took Baby Peanut (Brown Dachshund mix) home.

  • She was about 5 weeks old, very sweet, innocent, and timid. As she was still very young (5weeks old), she demanded a lot of attention from us. She would cry and has to be held & cuddle to sleep every night .... or else, she would cry and cry and cry ...... Peanut was such a cry baby when she was young !!!

  • That was a good lesson to learn from, as we got peanut too young (at 5 weeks old) Please read Peanut's 1st Picture. A good and recommended age to adopt puppies would be around 8 weeks old, when the puppy is fully weaned, stronger and easier to train.

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Kevin the Collie said...

Too cute for words!! Enjoy every moment, please give Peanut and Casey lots of hugs for me
