Monday, July 23, 2007

The 42nd Malaysian Kennel Association (MKA) German Shepherd Specialty Show, on July 21, 2007 (Saturday) at Song Kheng Hai, Kuching, Sarawak

  • Last Saturday (July 21, 2007) at 3pm, we went to see the 42nd Malaysian Kennel Association (MKA) German Shepperd Specialty Show.
  • This will be Sarawak's biggest outdoor German Shepherd Specialty dog show, organized by MKA.
  • The Venue was at Song Kheng Hai Football / Rugby field in Kuching at 3pm

The field is just behind Song Kheng Hai Primary School Kuching.

The event was slightly delayed due to rain. It was a blessing in disguised as it made the weather very cool and just right for and outdoor event slightly after 330pm.

As you can see, it was a packed event and many spectators brought their family along, making it a family event.

This event was made up of several stages, namely, puppies, youth, young dog and adult. For the later category, it is further divided into male and female categories as well.

This is the scene, just right opposite the field,... notice how dark the sky is..... thank God, it did not rain further, or else, the event my not be able to run smoothly.

Contestants, lining up their dogs, to start the Dog show.

Notice the person wearing a white shirt and wearing a blue cap? .. that is Datuk Dr. CGA Fonseka, he is the main judge for the German Shepherd Specialty Show.

.... we wonder who is more tired .... the dogs or their masters .... ? :)
Both would have to run quite a bit during the show.....

.....also, do you ever notice the term "dog walking" or "dog jogging" ?
If you notice carefully, a "Good" dog will follow their master as they walk or run .... thus it is master walking the dog .....
However, .... if a dog is not properly trained .... then the dog will be walking the master ... ie pulling the master, to which ever direction, they want .... :)

Datuk Dr. CGA Fonseka ... seems like a thorough, but fair judge ....

Some of the winners of different categorise, with their trophies, and also. tones of dog goodies, like dog food, dog nutrition, etc which are not shown here ....

Overall, it was a fun and successful events. It is a good & fruitful family event as well and many youngsters and kids as shown here likes it a lot ..... :)
Hopefully, with the success of this event, there will be many other more to come ....

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PlatinumGirl said...

Oh my. I didnt know that you were from Kuching. How come you didnt attend the Bloggers Meet ?

Casey and Peanut said...

Hi platinumgirl: we were at the dog show in song kheng hai :) so cannot make it in time for the Kuching Blogger meet :)