Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Kuching, Sarawak Kolo Mee

Jia Xiang Sarawak Kuching Kolo Mee In Toa Payoh Singapore, next to Pet Lovers Center

Jia Xiang Sarawak Kuching Kolo Mee in Vivo City, Singapore

We apologize for the burly images, but it really makes us proud to be a Sarawakian & especailly Kuchingnites .... :)

It seems that our very own Kuching Sarawak signature dish is doing very well in the little island of Singapore.

Kuching, Sarawak Kolo Mee is even mentioned in Wikipedia under Cuisine :

"Kuching 'kolo mee' or 'koh-loh mein' (egg noodles, flash-boiled and then served with (classically) garlic, shallots and sliced barbecue pork also known as "char siew")this is a widely popular dish with the local population. " article source from Wikipedia

Here is how a bowl of mouth watering Kuching Kolo Mee Looks Like:

Picture source taken from Wikipedia
  • Unfortunately, due to time constrain, we did not have time to try Singapore's Jia Xiang Sarawak Kuching Kolo Mee,
  • however, from the review of our very own Kuching Sarawak Super Star Blogger Kenny Sia it seems to be rather good.
Anyways, maybe next trip to Singapore, we will try it .... however, as a Sarawakian & Kuchingnite .... we still prefer our very own local & authentic, Kuching, Sarawak, Kolo Mee .... :)
For all of you readers who like to know more about Kuching, Sarawak, Kolo Mee, you can also read:

..... Sarawak, Kuching, Kolo Mee ..... come and try it for your self!! :)

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Horny Ang Moh said...

Nomally while in kuching I have my kolo mee in green road. I like my kolo mee in red! Have a nice day!

Casey and Peanut said...

Hey Hor ny: We know which famous Green Road Kolo Mee you are refering :) They are quite famous, however, some say slightly too oily .... but none the les, one of the best :) ....