Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Cute Doggie Pics From Around the Globe

Here is a collection of Cute Doggie Pics from around the Globe. Picture source taken from: http://www.dailypuppy.com/

Meggie the Pomeranian

Nikki the Pomeranian

Jamie the Pomeranian

Oscar the Dachshund

Snoopy the Dachshund

Henry the Miniature Dachshund
Arent they all adorable ?? !! :)
By popular request from our readers, Casey and Peanut will setup A special Post for our dear readers to Post the Pictures of their lovely cute Pets. It will be called Reader's Pet Photos Post. So, if any of our dear readers wants to post pictures of their lovely pets, just email us at: CaseyAndPeanut@gmail.com
cheers & kind regards

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Johann The Dog said...

They are just toooo cute!

Peter @ Enviroman said...

Hi Casey and Peanut,

I hope that is not the name of your dogs?

Thanks for leaving a comment in my post Relocate to Florida and continue to blog from there. I have responded to your comment.

Peter (Blog*Star)
Guide to Malaysia