Beware of Forwarded Email Hoax / Scam
ny1.Bill Gates Wants to Share His Fortune With You-Fiction! (HOAX Email)
Summary of the eRumor:
According to this message, Microsoft founder Bill Gates want to make sure that his Internet Explorer browser remains on top. So, Microsoft and AOL are doing an "email beta test." If you forward their email to your friends over the next two weeks, you'll get money in the mail.
The Truth:
This is a hoax. Neither Microsoft nor AOL is participating. Plus, there is no system being used on the Internet to track forwarded emails in order to compensate those who forward them.
It's become one of the most widely circulated hoaxes on the Internet.
Message Body
Dear Friends,
Please do not take this for a junk letter. Bill Gates is sharing his fortune. If you ignore this you will repent later. Microsoft and AOL are now the largest Internet companies and in an effort to make sure that Internet Explorer remains the most widely used program, Microsoft and AOL are running an e-mail beta test.
When you forward this e-mail to friends, Microsoft can and will track it (if you are a Microsoft Windows user) for a two week time period.
For every person that you forward this e-mail to, Microsoft will pay you $245.00, for every person that you sent it to that forwards it on, Microsoft will pay you $243.00 and for every third person that receives it, you will be paid $241.00.
Within two weeks, Microsoft will contact you for your address and then send you a cheque.
Chinu! I thought this was a scam myself, but two weeks after receiving this e-mail and forwarding it on, Microsoft contacted me for my address and within days, I received a cheque for US$24,800.00.
You need to respond before the beta testing is over. If anyone can afford this Bill Gates is the man. It's all marketing expense to him.
Please forward this to as many people as possible. You are bound to get at least US$10,000.00.
Article source: Trend Micro , Truth or Fiction
2. Baby Natalie Email Hoax
This email scam weaves a fraudulent tale of a baby named Natalie who has brain cancer. It asks the email recipient to forward the said mail to other users and for each email that is sent out, the supposedly ailing child will receive a 5-cent donation.
This email is clearly a scam and recipients of the said mail should delete it, disregard its contents, and NOT forward it to other email users.
Original Message:
Hello, My name is Krista Marie and I have a new born baby named Natalie. She means the world to me, and just resently, the doctors have discovered that my little Natalie has Brain Cancer. Unfortunatly my husband and I don't have the money to pay for the bill. But my husband and I have worked out a deal with AOL and they have agreed to give us 5cents to each person that recived this e-mail. So please, forward this to everyone you know, and help out my little Natalie and I.
-Krista Marie
Article Source: Trend Micro , Truth or Fiction
3. Coca-Cola Promises Free Soda for Forwarding E-mail
Why buy the world a Coke, when you can just forward an e-mail? That question's at the heart of an e-mail hoax that promises free cola for fowarding a certain e-mail around the Net.
Date Captured: April 17, 2000
Coca-Cola is offering four free cases of diet coke or regular coke to every person you send this to. When you have finished sending this e-mail to as many people as you wish, a screen will come up. It will then ask where you want your free coke products sent. This is a sales promotion to get our name out to young people around the world. We believe this project can be a success, but only with your help. So please start e-mailing and help us build our database.
Thank you for your support!
Always Coca-Cola,
Mike Hill
Director of Marketing
Coca-Cola Corporation
Atlanta, Georgia
Article source: Nuke Town
.... what new hoax / scam will people come up with next????? ....
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