Bonsai Kitten Hoax
28 Jan 03 -
Recently, there has been a renewed number of people emailing us again about the Bonsai Kitten website. This is a hoax which has been around since 2001.
Cat Welfare Society in fact wrote in to Today newspaper in April of 2001 to express our disgust with this hoax (the article can be read in the Articles section of this website).
This website was created as a hoax by some university students in the US, which reached epidemic proportions. While it was removed by the original server after protests, it was moved to another server.
It was investigated by the FBI and found to be a hoax.
What you can do :- Please do NOT forward the Bonsai Kitten website to other people or email others about it. We are specifically not including it here as we do not want to give the creators any more publicity than they already have.
The creators' aim is to create outrage and by sending out petitions and forwarding the emails, you are only encouraging them.
For more information, please go to these links :- The Humane Society website :- The Urban Legend website :-
"Well, there you go ..... not everything you read in the news or in the internet is real ...... so even a hoax, could be a scam ...... ??? ... !!! "
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