Sunday, May 11, 2008

Can Dogs Prevent Allergies in Small Children?

Dogs ward off allergies in small children, German experts claim .......

...... can this be real ..... ???? Can Dogs Really Ward of Allergies in Small Children ??

..... Are Pets /Dogs the next cure for Asthma in Children ?? .... Read more ......

Hamburg, Germany - Children who are raised with dogs from an early age have fewer common hay fever-related allergies than children from pet-free homes, according to a team of German researchers. The new findings will raise a howl from an earlier generation of medical experts who cautioned parents about the possible allergic hazards of pet fur.

It used to be conventional medical wisdom to warn parents against owning a dog, if their children showed early signs of hay fever.

But the new study by experts from a range of German universities and institutions came up with evidence showing that early exposure to dog hair in fact helps small children to become less overly sensitive to air-borne allergens such as pollen.

It is almost as though dog hair acts as an inoculation against hay fever, according to the results, published in the European Respiratory Journal.

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