Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Top Ten World's Smartest Dogs (Part 2)

Top Ten World's Smartest Dogs (Part 2)

This is a continuation of Part 1 of Top Ten World's Smartest Dogs

In Forth Place is the Golden Retriever, Fifth Place is the Doberman Pinscher and Sixth Place is Shetland Sheep Dog

The Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever, got to be the world's most popular breeds.
This is mainly due to its good looks, eager to please attitude, good degree of tolerance and friendly temperament.

In fact, the Golden Retriever is a hunting dog. However, it is more commonly used today as a guide dog and an excellent search and rescue dog.

The most popular role for the Golden Retriever today is a guide dog. This is mainly due to its high level of intelligence, train ability and "kind and attractive" personality.

The Doberman Pinscher

Doberman Pinsher are extremely loyal dogs. Its powerful, muscular, fast, energetic, watchful, fearless and obedient.

Their reputation as an attack dog that goes straight for the attack and gives the famous scissor bite (42 teeth with upright lower incisors touching the inside of the upper incisors) are only true for trained Doberman.

Although it loos like a warrior dog because of its sharp pointed ears and erect carriage, the truth is a well taken care of Doberman is good with the whole family.

The Shetland Sheepdog

Shetland Sheepdog are normally only 13 to 16 inches at the shoulder. Thus, at times it looks like a miniature Alsatian or a German Shepherd.

This breed is related tot the Border Collie. Thus it is a very smart dog. However, this breed shrank in size, when it was brought to the Shetland Island and cross breed with small, smart and long-haired breed. And the result .... the Shetland Sheepdog.

Their characters are extremely loyal, faithful, loving and responsive, but only to their masters.

Well thats all for Part 2..... we will do Part 3 & Part 4 Shortly .....

Hoped you have enjoyed it.

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Mr. Puggle® said...

wher'z da puggle? we are super smart! well as long as there is food involved :)