Thursday, April 30, 2009

Droppings Are For Eating Or Rolling In

By kathy Davison

Dogs who eat droppings.

Almost without exception when a dog eats his own waste matter or indeed that of another animal ,the owner is appalled and revolted ,thinking perhaps that he has a perverted dog on his hands!

This is a practice that is common and also normal.It is a normal behavior in the food gathering process and something that dogs will do in the wilds. When dogs were wild they would hunt and kill and eating the animal also included eating the contents of the bowel.

The droppings of an animal are a great source of various enzymes and a variety of microorganisms. the enzymes help with digestion and the microorganisms are killed when they reach the stomach .Protein,fats and other vitamins are then absorbed by the dog.

Dog who are fed on an artificial diet will often eat their own droppings and the droppings of other animals. If they dog is fed on a natural diet then he will not eat his droppings as they will be powdered bone and of little value .He will still eat the droppings of other animals

Bearing in mind that the dog needs the elements contained in the faeces you could feed your dog a bowl of animal droppings a couple of times a week! However a much better way to give your dog the probiotics he needs is to give him yogurt,cottage cheese and eggs. He may still like to eat the natural source sometimes-remember its normal! you may also notice that your dog likes to eat soil. This is for the same reasons as eating droppings: he will gain important elements and nutrients from the soil don't worry about it .

Why Do Dogs Roll In Droppings

Rolling in animal droppings seems to us to be a really disgusting and smelly behavior. To the dog it is totally normal and he does this to appear stronger and more superior to another dog .The smellier he is then the more powerful!

This desire to smell more powerful than other dogs reverts back to when dogs were wild and hunted in packs. The pack leader would wish to impress on his subordinates that he was still top dog, or perhaps a dog lower in the pecking order would attempt to challenge the pack leader so to give him added courage,he would first roll in strong smelling animal droppings.

Although pet dog have been domesticated for quite some time this instinctive beahvior still remains. Your dog could also do this if there is a tussles over leadership and he will do this to impress you!

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