Thursday, April 23, 2009

Offer Your Dog An Active Lifestyle

By Daniel Waser

Dogs have always been considered as a man's best friend, but unfortunately, many of these dogs tend to feast or play with the things that are valuable to you. The reason for this is simply because, by nature, dogs are born to be active, but they live with a TV addicted couch potato. This mismatch can make for a awkward human relationship - or a really sad dog.

If you bring a dog into your home, the activity level that the dog requires to remain physically and emotionally healthy should be one of your priorities. Getting the kind of exercise that they've always been avoiding to deal with is the mere thought that some lazy adults would think of if they tend to have a dog that needs a frequent walking twice a day.

Lazy individuals are not likely to change their habits enough to make a good fit between them and active dogs. Since lazy owners are more likely to slack off during walking sessions, the dog is not likely to get the essential benefits of having a frequent outdoor time thus the dog will be the one to suffer.

The quantity of daily activity that a dog needs is not the same as physical exercise. The time to walk, run, jump and unwind is what each and every dog needs for every single day. You might as well go to the park for a walk with your dog on a leash or even just around your neighborhood. You don't have to put your dog on a leash to let him enjoy the freedom of running and playing if you have a home with a fenced yard.

Mobility limitations can sometimes be a problem of some older adults and if this is the case, choosing a dog that calls for a lesser daily physical activity is the best thing to do. people who relish spending time outdoors for recreation or to relax after a day at work are ideal keepers for active dogs. Meeting at the end of the day is what both the owner and the dog gladly anticipates, when they can play chase in the park or go for a run together.

Bigger dogs tend to be more physically active. Those coming from the breeds of working or hunting dogs may represent those kinds of dogs. The desire of getting busy and working off their energy is just some of their underlying traits. Dogs such as Irish Setter, Doberman, Beagle, German Shepherd and Greyhound are built for movement and agility, so, the longing to have daily exercises is already expected by them.

Having an extremely large dog who can easily outweigh his owner such as the St. Bernard and Bull Mastiff doesn't mean that you have an active dog since size can actually fool you. Rescuing a missing skier or other things related to that might have been the main activity that a St. Bernard does according to the movies, what you don't recognise is that to sleep in front of the fireplace is the physical activity that ordinarily takes up most of the dog's time.

Small dogs like Poodles, Pekinese and Chihuahuas can live in small spaces and forgo the daily long walk in the park, but their highly strung temperaments cause them to be high in physical activity around the house. It is already taken that some of their activities may appear to be pointless such as running to and fro around your house, meddling with your guests or bouncing either at them or at you, but they do calm down when the energy burst is spent. When those little dogs go find their way to your lap or on their plush pillow, that's the time for them to recharge by getting that hard-earned nap.

There are a lot of things that you need to think about just before you decide on buying a dog. Take time to evaluate your living space, character, and personal physical activity level so that you can come up with the best dog profile that can be compatible to you thus will give you a lasting and harmonized human relationship.

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