Monday, May 25, 2009

Getting Your Dog To Stop Barking

By Ted Johnson

A constantly barking dog can be a huge nuisance. It is challenging to learn how to stop your dog from barking, because there are any number of things that sets off constant barking. Then, each breed is also unique. Figuring out what causes your dog to bark can help you figure out exactly how to teach your dog to control this behavior.

Some dog are just barkers. It may seem like they live to bark. Some people don't mind a lot of dog barking, but it is annoying to many other people. Try to remember that when dogs bark they are using vocal cues and signals to try to communicate with humans or other dogs. Don't try to stop your dog from barking completely, just try to narrow the barking down to when it is essential for their communication.

First, research the type of dog you want before you get a dog. Knowing the purpose of a dog breed will give you a lot of information about how much the dog may bark. Don't choose a dog bred for hunting or for stopping intruders.

Your dog may try to teach you to respond when she barks. For example, she may drop a ball in your lap and expect you to jump up and come outside to play. You can help control the barking by only getting up after she is quiet. Train her to understand that you will not reward constant, unnecessary barking.

If your dog starts to bark, don't do anything immediately. Remember, dogs are going to bark at times. If the barking continues you need to take action. Grasp her muzzle and close it with your hand gently, but firmly. If she tries to free herself from your hold, do not hurt her, but use your other hand to hold her collar.

Sometimes pet owners can figure out why their dog is barking and sometimes they cannot. I thought we would never get our Bischon to stop barking at every little noise, so I had to get outside help. You may think it's odd to get help to stop your dog's barking. Actually, it isn't uncommon for dog owners to get help. I know because my dog no longer barks at every noise, day and night.

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