Monday, May 25, 2009

The Regal Great Dane

By Matt Warwick

In historians records, the image of a dog very similar to the Great Dane is found incised on Greek currency dating as far back as 36 B.C.! In 407 A.D. German Gaul and parts of Italy and Spain were invaded by an Asiatic people who brought with them powerful Mastiff-like dogs. In Germany, where these superb animals were much admired" for they were fully capable of overcoming ferocious predators like bears and wild boars"a selective breeding process was begun.

The product of crossing the breed with Irish Wolfhounds was a large, striking and lithe dog that we now know as the Great Dane. It was also called the Boarhound because of its initial purpose: to hunt the ferocious wild boar. The breed eventually settled into its role of family companion and estate guard dog when it was no longer used for the hunt.

Called the Danish Gallant, Danish Hound, or Deutsche Dogge, the Great Dane has many names. It is one of the tallest dog breeds, alongside the Irish Wolfhound, its progenitor. Its easy to see why people call it the Apollo of all breeds!

As a matter of fact, the tallest dog in the world is a Great Dane, according to the Guinness Book of World Records! One of the largest working breeds, this serene, regal giant never appears awkward. The breed merges dignity and strength with a grand size and a superbly formed frame.

Its regal bearing, subtle strength and calm demeanor all paint the picture of a striking animal. The Great Dane is a formidable-looking animal, especially in the show arena. Not only that, it is just as popular as a family pet due to its placid temperament and sweet nature"rendering them outstanding family companions.

The Great Danes splendid appearance combines its great size, powerfully formed body and smooth musculature with poise, power, and grace. An ideal specimen of this breed is spirited and never faint-hearted. It is always courageous, friendly and dependable.

With its narrow head, long, muscular neck and perfectly straight front legs, the Great Dane looks up at you with a lively, intelligent expression. All Danes have short, shiny, dense coats, which come in the colors fawn, brindle, black, blue, mantle harlequin and sometimes merle. Their short coats are extremely easy to groom, so it is better to groom them daily than bathe that immense body!

This dog loves everyone, especially children, complains little and is full of spirit. Unless absolutely necessary, such as in the face of danger, it does not bark much or show aggression. This brave, dependable animal is a trustworthy companion and will make a valuable addition to any family and home.

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