Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Article From How to Understand and Read Your Dog's Body Language

If you've ever watched two dogs meeting for the
first time, you know that they communicate with a
distinct brand of body language. A dog will know
if another dog is feeling scared, or anxious, or
if he's looking for a fight. Learning to read
this body language and understand your dog is a
great skill for any dog owner.

Dog owners often have a lot of misconceptions
regarding canine body language. It is an
important skill to be able to read your dog's
body language with some accuracy, so let's take a
quick look at various postures and body language.

The Aggressive Dog

An aggressive dog may easily be mistaken for a
happy or friendly dog by a person unaware of the
significance of various body postures. A dog
that is acting aggressive, usually out of fear,

- Possibly first cower away. Aggression is
commonly a result of fear itself, when a dog
feels threatened but refuse to run away due to
whatever reasons. The tail may be tucked between
the legs, the ears will be pressed back along the
head, the back might be arched and you might
notice that the dog is a little closer to the
ground than usual. On certain times, a dog will
shift its weight to the hind legs in order to
make a faster getaway if the need arises.

- Growl and show its teeth. This behavior is not
necessarily a sign that a dog is about to bite.
Generally it can be seen more as a big show or a
"I will if I have to" sign. Dogs and other
canines are not aggressive by nature and will
almost always look for a way to run rather than
to fight.

- Occasionally a dog will decide to attack,
usually another dog. This dog will puff himself
up to look larger, raise the hackles on his back
(the fur along the spine, usually concentrated
over the shoulders), bare his teeth, and hold his
head high. The dog might also tense up his whole

The Submissive Dog

Some dogs possess a particularly submissive
nature. They have no interest in being top dog,
or else are easily put in their places by other
dogs. Signs include:

- Flattening the ears back along the head.
- A low tail wag, usually slight.
- Lowering the head and looking up.
- Licking the lips.
- Whimpering or whining.
- Rolling over to expose the belly.
- Licking the mouth of the other dog/person.
- Some dogs may urinate.

The idea is that your dog shows that he is not a
threat by making himself very vulnerable. A dog
in this situation is looking for ways to keep the
other animal from acting aggressively.

The Happy Dog

A happy dog is simply a relaxed dog. Your dog's
entire body seems to be loose and he may be
panting regularly. The tail might be wagging
from side to wide as well.

The Aware or Alert Dog

A dog that has seen something of interest or of
potential danger will suddenly appear much

- Ears are up and pointed towards the sound or
- Eyes are fixed or scanning.
- A dog will try to stand taller in order to see
further and hear better.
- The mouth is closed most of the time unless he
is barking away.
- Hackles may be raised

A dog in this position may be about to bark or
run off. Try to distract your dog or leash him
up before he decide to chase or run after
whatever he has interest in.

The Playful Dog

The playful dog will be easy to recognize.
Playful dogs like to move a lot, and will
generally try to engage you or another dog in

- Fast movements, like little jumps, dodging
motions, or running around you.
- Play bows, where your dog lowers his front half
while keeping the rear end in the air.
- A happy look on your dog's face, alike to

It is vital to understand that dogs sometimes
play in manner whereby it appears to be quite
aggressive. The play bow action will confirm
that the dog is interested in playing, not
fighting. Dogs typically mouth each other and
try to dominate the other dog by pushing or
pulling on the skin to get the other dog on its

It is beneficial for all dog owners to learn how
to read and understand their dogs' body language.
This can help to prevent accidents or undesirable
incidents with other dogs. Most importantly, you
will also be able to pick up and learn when your
dog is happy and ready to play and have fun!

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