Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Potty Outside, Potty Outside' -- Potty Train Dogs

By Matt Springer

If you are tired of stepping into a puddle of pee and find yourself saying, 'potty outside' over and over, then you definitely will want to read this article. There are do's and don'ts for training your new puppy. A positive approach and consistency will bring you success. Once you've mastered this, both you and your dog will be happier.

Potty training starts the day you bring your new bundle of loving fur home. As you begin your potty training routine remember these DON'T's

Don't rub its nose on the poop.

Don't yell at your dog.

Don't yell at your dog.

Don't punish your dog in anyway.

The above behaviors will ruin your relationship with your dog and make your dog afraid of you and other humans.

The DO's are easy to follow:

Do use positive reinforcement.

Do make sure he doesn't have any health problems. Make sure you take your dog to your vet for a check up as soon as possible.

Do feed him on a regular schedule.

Do withhold water for 2-4 hours before he goes to sleep.

Do just prior to bedtime; take him to his potty place.

Do make sure he doesn't have any health problems with a visit to your vet.

A positive approach works extremely well with dogs and is much better than a negative one. When he does the right thing, praise him. What a good boy you are, use a high pitched voice like you were talking to a baby. Pet him, give him a treat, give him a hug, a good rub, whatever works and make sure your dog gets lots of praise. He'll respond to you much better with positive praise and you'll feel better too.

Consistency is very important in potty training your dog. Your patience helps too. Remember that your dog adores you and will do anything to get your approval. If you feed him at the same time each day, and then take him outside to his potty place, your dog will respond to this routine by taking care of 'business'. Remember that puppies need to potty after they wake up, after meals and after play. Make sure you give your dog plenty of time to potty. Sometimes they pee more than once or some need to 'find the perfect spot' to pee. Remember to praise him for a 'job well done'.

Next time you get ready to potty train your dog, remember to be consistent, use a positive approach and Do have a good time with your dog. Remember that loyalty and companionship with your dog begins and ends with you. Your commitment to a positive potty training goes a long way to having this great relationship.

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