Friday, November 5, 2010

Article From Got Pet Urination Problems--3 Frequent Causes of Inappropriate Pet Urination

If you're struggling with pet urination problems
right now, it may be hard for you to remember the
life you envisioned by having a pet. Here are the
3 biggest reasons that cause pets to urinate when
they shouldn't, and being aware of these can help
you minimize the clean up and smell that
inappropriate urination can cause.

Poor House Training---If you pet has come from a
shelter, you'll probably never know went on with
house breaking before you came on the scene. But
unfortunately this can have drastic.

For instance, I was talking with a lady the other
day who said her husband trained their dog to
think he was a bad dog if he urinated in the
yard. As a result the dog would need to be taken
on a walk to empty its bladder, or when it
couldn't hold it any longer, it would urinate in
the house, which made the dog an even worse dog
in her husband's eyes.

A poorly trained dog is often the result of human
error and the pet's behavior is hard to undo once
learned. Unless you are extremely experienced at
correcting this kind of behavior, seeking
professional help to undo the damage is the best
way to proceed.

If, on the other hand, you are getting a brand
new puppy, hopefully the story above will make
you aware of how important proper training is.
Most pets want to please, and when you set the
rules so that they can, it makes a happier,
healthier relationship between owner and pet; and
a home that smells cleaner.

Illness---Many times pets can have an underlying
illness that has not been diagnosed that is
causing frequent and/or uncontrolled urination.
Some illnesses that can cause this to happen
include bladder infection, diabetes, a blocked
urethra, feline leukemia, Vulvovaginal Stenosis
in female dogs, and incontinence in older dogs.

One of the side effects of steroids is that they
cause pets to drink more which increases their
need to urinate; and without a way to let
themselves out of the house or enclosure, this
can cause accidents to happen inside. Have a
veterinarian give your pet a thorough exam to
rule out the possibility of an illness causing
the behavior.

Behavioral---Many pets, particularly dogs engage
in submissive urination. This is their way of
letting you know that you're the alpha in the
group. This behavior can be genetic, or it can be
the reaction of a pet that is afraid, anxious, or
one that has been scolded frequently by its
owner. It can also be the result of one of the
physical issues discussed earlier in this
article. But after the question of why is solved,
the bigger question is what to do about it.

If you scold when it is happening, it is likely
to continue to occur. If you reward the deed with
positive words or actions, it will definitely
continue. So probably the best immediate reaction
is to ignore the behavior and get professional
help to correct the behavior.

Understanding what's causing the problem gets you
closer to an effective solution for urine odor.
And by minimizing the odor you can enjoy your
home and your pet to the fullest.

Keep your home free of pet urine odor with the
air purifier at

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