Friday, November 5, 2010

Article From How to Create an Album of Labrador Dog Pictures

Copyright (c) 2010 Trey Markel

If a dog is man's best friend, then a Labrador
retriever has to be family. There are no other
animals on earth that can offer the companionship
and loyalty that this particular breed does. If
you're a loyal Labrador owner, you'll want to
remember each and every one of them that you
spend time with during the course of your
lifetime. Many folks keep a scrapbook or photo
album of Labrador pictures so they can look back
fondly at all of those special four-legged
friends that helped them get through life. If
you're just starting yours, we'd like to offer a
few suggestions.

Labradors were bred for Life in a New World

The Labrador breed is a product of the new world,
not the old. In the 15th Century, settlers in
Newfoundland who were mainly English and Irish
fishermen used Labradors, then known as "St
John's Water Dogs", for retrieval and pulling in
nets. It wasn't until the early 19th Century
(1820) that the dogs were exported to England
where the breed was established under its current
name. Knowing this, any collector of
commemorative photos or memorabilia should
include some sketches or Labrador dog pictures
from the early years when the breed was still
gaining a foothold. Today, Labrador retrievers
are the most popular breed of dog in the world,
mainly because they are so versatile and work
well in partnership with human beings.

Though most of the world immediately thinks of
the long-haired Newfoundland breed when the
subject of dogs in that part of Canada comes up,
the Labrador is actually more common and useful
to the sportsmen and fishermen of the region.
Long haired animals get iced up when they go into
the water in cold weather, while the short-haired
retrievers go in and out of lakes and rivers
without any visible adverse effects. They are
also considered more intelligent, no surprise to
anyone who has owned one before. Labradors learn
anything you teach them quickly, and they pick up
a few things on their own without any training, a
good reason why they've adapted so well to
numerous and diverse new environments and
situations around the world. Another idea for
Labrador dog pictures would be some shots of them
in action in different countries.

Brighten Your Album with Shades of Gold, Fox Red,
and Chocolate

Golden Retrievers, also known as Yellow
Labradors, are some of the most sought after dogs
on earth. Pure golden retriever breeds are sold
for hundreds of dollars in the United States and
are at a premium in the UK as well. If you own
golden retrievers, see if you can acquire some of
the Labrador dog pictures from before the mid
20th Century that depict the breed in its darker
shade, a butterscotch hue. The "gold" didn't come
out until the 1950's, so there aren't as many of
them around as there are red fox or chocolate
Labradors. The latter are the most common of all
the subtypes. A comprehensive album of Labrador
dog pictures should include all three

The Difference between Conformation and Field

In addition to the subtypes classified by color,
there are also two distinctly different
sub-breeds of retriever, the conformation
retriever and the field retriever. The
conformation, or show dog, is bred mainly in
England but can be found in the United States,
but the field retriever, also known as the
American working retriever, can be found anywhere
in the world. If you live in the United States,
the latter breed is most likely what you have,
but don't be surprised if even the dog people
around you can't tell the difference. The main
characteristics that set the show dog apart from
the working dog are their height, weight, and
length of nose. The show dog is bred to be
shorter, stockier, and have a longer snout. It's
a subtle difference that breeders and judges at
dog shows look at, but one that regular dog
owners wouldn't normally notice. To see it
clearly, place Labrador dog pictures of each
sub-breed side by side and compare.

If a Dog Could Smile...

Labradors are considered to be one of the
friendliest and most playful breeds on earth.
They are highly intelligent and in many cases
seem like they know exactly what's going on with
the humans they spend the majority of their time
with. If you are a Labrador owner, you know this
to be a fact. How many times have you said
something to your dog and seen that slight head
cock or maybe even a nod of acknowledgment? It
seems sometimes that a Labrador could just answer
you back and there are definitely times when you
can almost see a smile on the dog's face. These
are all special moments that should be captured
in Labrador dog pictures for your new photo album.

Now that you have the history photos, sketches,
and a few action shots of the breed in general,
try to capture some of those happy moments when
your dog is smiling or playful. Those are the
times you'll want to look back on when your
four-legged friend passes on. It's sad but true.
Unless you're in your later years of life, you
will most likely outlive your animal. Make sure
you have some positive memories that you can look
back on and show to your children and
grandchildren so they can appreciate this
marvelous breed of dog. Leave some pages open in
the photo album and they can add some Labrador
dog pictures of their own.

Creating a Theme for Your Viewers

Photo albums can be so much more than just old
pictures. They are a cumulative collection of
life events, an amassment of memories to reflect
back on in later years, and a history to pass on
to family, friends, and loved ones. They can also
be a message to those who don't understand. In
the case of an album of Labrador dog photos, the
theme could be one of appreciation for the animal
and the message could be one of love and respect
for dogs that perhaps one of your viewers might
not have. Capture the essence of the animal and
make sure your feelings shine through clearly
when you put your photo album together. You're
doing it for you, but there will many others who
will look at it someday, so make sure you leave a
message for them

Robert Redding is the CEO and owner of Animal
Blue Print Company. Robert is the former VP of
Design for Quicksilver and was with Quicksilver
for 12 years. Robert now owns his own design
firm along with operating Animal Blue Print
To learn more about Animal Blue Print Company
please visit:

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