Thursday, November 4, 2010

Article From Some Dog Obedience Training Tips For You

If you are the owner of a Labrador Retriever, the
dog obedience training tips in this article are
specific to the nature and character of this
breed. Labs are fantastic pets and perfect for in
a family environment. They are playful,
non-aggressive and will happily join in as much
rough-and-tumble fun as possible. Labs are loyal,
patient, loving and gentle; that is why they make
such good guide dogs.

However, a Labrador may have a slight problem
when it comes to obedience. They only start
maturing psychologically after the age of two.
Training can be a nightmare unless you know what
you are doing. But, with his eagerness to please,
and a level of authority from you, it can be
easily done with some key dog obedience training
tips. It won't take long for him to become a
well-disciplined member of the family.

For maximum results, begin training your Lab when
he is between 3 and 4 months of age. If, for some
reason, this is can't be done, you can begin at
any time. Training is going to be much easier if
you and the dog have already become close. If he
views you as the person who cares for him,
comforts him, feeds him, and walks him, he will
want to please you even more.

Start with the classical 'come-sit-stay-heel'
commands. Once these are learnt, you are more
than half the way there. Your voice should remain
calm and friendly so that he sees training as
fun. Praise him and pat him profusely whenever he
does something right. You will need a 30 ft
leash, a 6 ft leash, and a training collar.

Use your Labrador's instinctive ability to
concentrate on your voice and presence. With the
long leash, you can also teach him the 'sit -
stay' command. When he starts getting the
message, you can gradually increase the distance
between yourself and him. Again, never forget to
reward. The short leash is used to teach him how
to walk 'at heel' with you.

Make each training session one hour maximum,
three times per week. Most Labs have a relatively
short attention span, especially when they are
very young. Also, do not get irritable or
impatient if he forgets a command or is careless.
It's better to stop the session than to persist
if the dog is distracted.

These simple dog obedience training tips are
tried and tested, and your Lab will soon start
responding. This breed love to please their
owners and they like praise even more. This is
why they respond well to training. Therefore,
remember that the more praise you lavish on him,
the more he is going to learn.

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